A friend of mine wrote a letter to the national papers recently.
Not one published it.
I wonder why?
In light of the actions and activities of the Government and their banking buddies, many people are calling for investigations, resignations and punishments for those responsible for the mess we find ourselves in. These calls appear to be rebuffed or just ignored by those in authority. They continue to attack the poor while still looking after themselves and their friends. Short of a bloody revolution, it’s hard to see anything changing soon.
It’s also hard to understand their lack of remorse, their refusal to account for it all and take responsibility, and worst of all, to see them strut around like peacocks, bloated by their own self importance. Then I discovered what a “sociopath” is.
A sociopath will normally have a conventional appearance, so they do not stand out visually. But then the definition becomes interesting. They are glib and superficial, are manipulative and conning, have a grandiose sense of self, are pathological liars, they lack remorse, shame and guilt and they suffer from shallow emotions. But it gets better. They are callous and lack empathy, they are irresponsible and unreliable, they lead a parasitic lifestyle, they do not perceive that there is anything wrong with them, they are secretive, paranoid and authoritarian and they have an over riding need to find victims. They have an emotional need to justify their disgraceful deeds so they actually need the victim’s affirmation, respect, gratitude and love. How sick is all that ? Does any of it ring any bells for you ? Are they alarm bells by any chance?
The first 166 names you come up with will probably be the same as mine. It would be an ironic laugh if it wasn’t for the fact that sociopathy is a mental illness that needs treatment. You would not let sociopaths take control of their own cars, much less a bank or a country. Perhaps instead of calling for convictions and imprisonment for our betters, we might show them a little sympathy and instead have them all consigned to a mental home, for their own good and ours,
Yours etc
Valid though it surely is I have seen this before about our government. Your friend is less than original.
I’ve known a fair few psychopaths – diagnosed, locked up ones – and there’s no treatment as such. Â Killing them would work.
There are another 650 sociopaths/narcissists in Westminster who should all be put up against a wall or hanged for treason – machine guns/lampposts and piano wire would do nicely!
We have lots of cyclepaths in France !
PS What’s this about being ‘a great pretender’?  I’m 74 years, have 4 grandchildren, with another on the way.
Cyclepaths. Heh !
TT – Original or not, he does have a point.
Jim – I think it is better to be safe than sorry. I think we should kill them anyway. Just in case…
Barking S – No. No. NO. Shooting, garrotting or hanging is too quick. They should suffer as we suffer, only more so.
AG – My humble apologies, and I bow to your superior numbers [seeing as I only have three]. Congratulations!
I like your thinking, Grandad, any ideas?
Maybe something along the lines of burying the bastards up to their necks in anthills, (soldier ants, of course), with a large helping of dung beetles up the arse for good measure!