Six inches of Global Warming
When is this fucking Global Warming going to end?
Last month we had record breaking falls of Global Warming. I have never seen so much in November before. Virtually every night the temperature reached record levels, with each night breaking the previous nightâs record.
Now they are issuing severe weather alerts with further falls of Global Warming expected from tomorrow onwards.
And before any smart arse gets their nose in, I know the difference between climate and weather. If we had say five inches of Global Warming and it left it at that, I would say that is weather. However this latest batch of Global Warming is international, continent wide, unprecedented and occurring for more that just one year. Last year was shit too, but yiz have all forgotten about that by now?
Our gubmint is going frantic at the moment buying up stocks of salt for the roads. They were caught with their pants down before and are trying to make amends this winter.
But why are they buying salt?
For as long as I can remember, roads were gritted with sand [or grit?] and it did a perfectly good job. There are countless tons of the stuff lying around the country. During the spell of Global Warming last winter, there was pandemonium as there wasnât enough salt. A few quarry owners stepped up to the mark and offered free sand for the roads. Did the gubmint take them up on their offer? Did they fuck! They just ordered tons more salt at God knows what cost.
Salt is bad stuff. It corrodes cars, is expensive and is also bad for any animal that walks on it. Sand, on the other hand is readily available, cheap [or free] and doesnât damage anyone, or anything. The only drawback with sand is the small mess it makes after the Global Warming has thawed. Considering that most of our roads are falling asunder, I would have thought that a wee drop of sand wouldnât make the blindest bit of difference. So why the fuck are the gubmint using salt? It makes no sense whatsoever, especially as we are supposed to be broke.
The longer I live, the more confused I become.
That’s a good rant, so glad you are back to what you and I deem as normal, any news of the Irish people telling the EU and it’s bankers to fuck off? I would love to see it happen and am sure it would start the ‘ball rolling’ elsewhere. I can just see the headlines “The Emerald Isle saves the World”.
FH – Me? Normal? Thanks. Can I frame that? I was watching a programme tonight on Ireland and the Euro. They are claiming that Ireland may have done nearly the impossible – to have a bank crisis that not only destroys Ireland but an entire currency too. Happy days could be coming back?!
Will you make a Global Warming man?
Six Inches of Global Warming… Hahahahahahaha! Brilliant!
Our temps here have been in the range for alot of Global Warming but all we have is some really really cold Climate Change. Yesterday’s high temp was 23DEGF (-5C). So we’re getting all the Climate Change with no Global Warming.