Green vomit
Will someone please get rid of those Greens?
I am heartily sick of the sight of both Ryan and Gormless.
Lately we have been inundated with pictures of Gormless and his fucking stupid ideas. Apparently no one in government has the balls to tell him that he is a waste of space and they keep hinting to him to shut the fuck up, but he keeps rabbiting on about his National Government idea.
Whenever I see Gormless, I think of the weedy little boy in the playground who nobody likes. The weedy kid is invited to join the Big Bully’s Gang, as they need to make up numbers. Weedy Kid doesn’t realise that he is just a number and starts mouthing off as if he were one of the big boys. He is so fucking impressed to be in the Big Bully’s Gang that he really thinks he must be someone to fear, so he starts throwing his weight around, not realising that Big Bully doesn’t give a flying fuck about him, just so long as he stays in the gang.
Then there is that Smirker Ryan!! He was on some programme the other night, and I swear to God I let a scream out of me that must have disturbed people in a ten mile radius. Like Gormless, he really thinks his ideas are so important. His idea for getting us out of the recession is apparently Green Energy. Oh fuck! Windmills all over the fucking shop! He has some weird idea that we can turn Ireland into some kind of nightmarish power station, where we take the wind, the waves and the fucking rain and turn them all into power to sell to Europe. His Plan B is to apparently make us into the digital heart of Europe. He doesn’t seem to realise that we don’t even have decent broadband, and are number 25 out of 27 countries for speed? Only Italy and Cypress are worse than us which isn’t saying much. Even fucking Latvia has four times our speeds on average.
I really have had enough of that pair. So far their only contribution to the running of the country has been to raise the price of fuel and to nearly ban lightbulbs.
I honestly cannot wait until the next election.
Will someone PLEASE eradicate them?
As painfully as possible?
Soon… soon they will be a mere little splat on the history of this Isle a bit like a flies arse on a car windscreen. Consigned to the history books as the biggest political joke in Irish politics since the founding of the Republic.
Every time Eamon Ryan waffles on about rural broadband I find myself screaming at the television or radio that 3G is not broadband.
“they will be a mere little splat on the history of this Isle a bit like a flies arse on a car windscreen“
That is an image that cheers me up no end. Heh!
Incidentally, have the U.S. taken over Cork?
Nah. I’m at work. Our internet gateway is in the States. When I saw the flag at first I cried a little.
Now, normal service should be resumed as far as flags are concerned..
Bit by bit, step by step, i find myself looking at our political class and mentally demoting them into some sort of irrelevance. When i hear comments like ‘it doesn’t take rocket science to get us out of the economic mess’ i can’t help thinking it wouldn’t have taken rocket science to avoid getting into it in the first place either.
The role of a public representative – to protect the public interest etc…
It all comes across as a dereliction of duty to the point where our government is at risk of becoming the monkeys dancing to the EU organ grinders tune (if not already there). Monkeys are interesting to watch up trees and can be quite entertaining, but monkeys in Ivory towers…?
Reckon the best thing is to get on with life, find our own way, and consider what goes on in the Dail as a bit of a sideshow. When I feel they’re truly representing the ordinary person again i’ll reconsider.
Anyway that’s my rant for the day!
Oh, and rural broadband – did ye hear about the FF TD a few weeks ago who said something about Cork having an ‘Information Superhighway’ – gawd that brought me back a couple of decades! 🙂
I was once a Green voter myself. At their annual conference which preceded the last general election, Gormless was in fine voice during the Leader’s Address, ranting on about a disgraceful place known as “Planet Bertie”. This evil planet, he told the faithful assembled, was darkness personified and the font of all that was malignant and cancerous in the Irish body politic. Strange things happen on Planet Bertie he said –people sign blank cheques, receive brown envelopes and are mired in corruption of all kinds . . .blah, blah, blah.
After the general election it turned out that the only thing that had been wrong with Planet Bertie was that Gormless wasn’t on it! But that was quickly rectified and the rest is history. I blame the Greens more than FF for the misfortunes that have now overtaken us. Without the Greens propping him up, Cowen would be now on the back benches along with his predecessor and Planet Bertie would be in NAMA land.
Just to add a link to Gormless’s speech mentioned on my last post.
Fianna Fail is what you get when you put a tie on a pig-farmer who has a large family to support. The Green Party is what happens when you invite him to bring his favourite pig along.
Great piece Grandad 7 years ago I moved to South East Asia where we don’t have any of this green bollocks.
If I have old newspapers to get rid of a man in a lorry calls around the area and will give me a few dollars for the lot, he makes a bit of money I make a bit of money there ends my green commitment.
The problem with people like Ryan and Gormless in another time they would be under lock & key in the loony bin. But sadly today they are loose of the public WHO VOTED THEM INTO OFFICE don’t forget that.
They dream up all these mad-cap ideas in the back of the gas gosling limo or on the gas gosling government private jet. Bring in some thing that effects their life style and they go back under the stone.
Like why don’t they take public transport or have a government hostel of out of town TDs.
Another problem when they do get kicked out of office they will be made senators so ye will never be rid of them. Green is about getting more money out of people that’s why I know in the UK all these energy companies who have been fleecing the consumer for years are now investing in all these wind farms.
Robert – Will you please stay still? All this transatlantic flying is damaging the climate. Heh!
Mick – Our government has been dancing to the Eu tune for many years now.  It is patently obvious that the number one priority is satisfying our masters in Brussels to the detriment of the country. And I thought Cork did have an information highway? Didn’t they open the Fermoy bypass not so long ago?
Seamus – If I remember correctly, one of the great platforms that the Greens canvassed on before the last election was to get Fianna Fail out of power. They hadn’t a good word to say about FF, and they picked up votes on that basis alone. As soon as the results were in, they just couldn’t change their colours fast enough. One whiff of power and they were in like a shot. Fucking hypocrites. –
Con – The limp side salad beside the Fianna Fail main dish? 😉
Peacock – The Greens here don’t give a flying fuck for the environment. They have one goal and that is to remain in power as long as they possibly can. Several times they have voted against their own conscience just to prevent an election. The ultimate arselickers!