
Haute cuisine cardboard — 15 Comments

  1. It was flying from Poland to East Midlands airport in England so he could have been a Brit. Whatever his nationality, the guy is a tool.

  2. And Americans are like a bad rash – they can turn up anywhere?  *runs and hides under the table*

  3. “It was the most expensive meal he ever had.”

    …..and the most expensive Sh*t!
    .-= Geri Atric´s last brainfart .. FOUND! =-.

  4. I wonder if he went through the motions [as it were] after, looking to see if he could redeem his rash act?  Would they accept a digested ticked that is covered in poo?

  5. *uuurrrrrpppp* Gah, ecch! Damn ticket gave me heartburn.

    (Since you’re picking on Americans and all)

  6. I was going to make a smart comment about it being a very “Irish” thing to do until I saw he was flying from Poland to England! What a dufuss. Both he and me!

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