
New Years Resolutions — 8 Comments

  1. OK. don’t fancy a size 11 up the jacksie, so I won’t wish you a Happy New Year on your blog. Only on mine! Haha!
    .-= Geri Atric´s last brainfart .. BOOM-DIDDY-BOOM! =-.

  2. Geri – Now you’re getting the idea.  I wish you happiness whatever the day of the year.  I’m not mean.

  3. Brighid – Heh!  It just proves that this place should be your first port of call each day.  Think of the 1/2 second you could have saved?

  4. I think several of your bloggers would enjoy a delightful on line magazine I came across the other day, Google, Modern Drunkard Magazine and know you are not alone…
    Best wishes for global warming by the pint in Ireland in the new year…

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