There is a proffessor here from Penn State Univ. wrapped up in all this also, yet we have heard nothing about it from the mainstream media!!! Nothing about it on the evening news or any of their web sites. Here is a link to a story about their silence.
Brianf – Howya stranger!! It is beginning to break into the mainstream media this side of the Pond. The BBC have picked up on it as have quite a few newspapers.
Roosta, what the f***  are you talking about, the report doesn’t come from the Canadian government, it comes from two totally independent men who blew the whistle on the bogus methodology being used to back up highly lucrative ” studies” on the hot topic of global warming and are, like all whistle-blowers, being vilified for their audacity. Read their studies and take a gander at the warp ten backpeddling going on in the so-called centers of knowledge on this subject.
paulo1, the f**k i was talking about was the video, which was a commentary piece that aired on Canadian news.
There is a proffessor here from Penn State Univ. wrapped up in all this also, yet we have heard nothing about it from the mainstream media!!! Nothing about it on the evening news or any of their web sites. Here is a link to a story about their silence.
Brianf – Howya stranger!! It is beginning to break into the mainstream media this side of the Pond. The BBC have picked up on it as have quite a few newspapers.
hardly surprising that’s from Canadian news…since Canada are one of the biggest obstacles to a climate change deal…
Roosta, what the f***  are you talking about, the report doesn’t come from the Canadian government, it comes from two totally independent men who blew the whistle on the bogus methodology being used to back up highly lucrative ” studies” on the hot topic of global warming and are, like all whistle-blowers, being vilified for their audacity. Read their studies and take a gander at the warp ten backpeddling going on in the so-called centers of knowledge on this subject.
paulo1, the f**k i was talking about was the video, which was a commentary piece that aired on Canadian news.