A week in the life
Things have been a bit chaotic here in Head Rambles Manor of late.
You may have noticed a passing mention of computers going belly up? That was just part of it.
For some reason, every time I start a day, which I seem to be doing now on a daily basis, something conspires to thwart my efforts at a quiet life.
I actually managed to allocate myself a quiet afternoon the other day. No sooner had I sat down than the place was invaded by a K8, two grandchildren, an idiotic dog and a kitten.
Actually, the kitten was fun. It decided that it didnât like guinea pigs for some reason, and did its damndest to attack our Minnie. For the sake of peace and quiet, our Minnie was in her cage, so the kitten climbed on top and tried to take swipes at her through the bars. Minnie, being a very wise guinea pig, just ignored the kitten which didnât help matters, and just made it all the more determined.
I forgot I had left the trapdoor on the top of the cage open, and the daft kitten went and fell into the cage.
I have never seen a kitten move so fast.
The fucking thing shot out like a scalded cat [even though it was quite cool in the cage] and decided that guinea pigs were enormous dangerous creatures to be avoided at all costs. Minnie, of course just carried on munching whatever she was munching and never turned a hair. I like her attitude. She takes after me.
I have also been busy with the business of shutting down the business, whenever I can get on line.
I have decided that the best tactic, that involves the maximum profit and the least hassle is to send bills out to everyone, and wait for the responses. So far itâs quite good. One punter paid a couple of grand and he was just a name I plucked out of the phone book. As soon as I get all the cheques in, I will just switch off the servers. I honestly couldnât be bothered with all the nightmares of shifting them to other servers. Too messy. Theyâll thank me in the end when they stop getting any spam.
On top of all that, I have had the usual routine stuff, like gardening, games with the dog and hunting the odd American.
So you see, I havenât had that much time for updating this thing.
But then, no one reads it anyway.
What’s this then?
Nattering on in public, trying to get folks to feel sorry for you?
Tell herself to give you you one across the chops; maybe that’ll bring you to your senses.
“…no one reads it anyway.”
Really, you ought to be ashamed..
.-= >> Doc´s latest brainfart .. Prologue =-.
Its all about attitude, yours, mine, Minnie’s, et al and read???, hell I can’t wait to see your missives, keeps me grounded and a few laughs during the day only helps! Keep it “up” in every way you can, thanks!
Doc – I don’t give a shite what people think of me. If they want to feel sorry/pleased/contempt/love/whatever, then that’s fine in my book. The last time Herself gave me one across the chops, she regretted it. It nearly spoiled our wedding day.
John O – So you are my second reader? That’s nice. I keep it up as often as I can, but at my age…………
well im glad to here that things are going good in headrambles manor. That must have been one funny scene with the kitten trying to get into minnies cage. So did the patient manage to gets its transplant or are they still on life support. The computer that is.
.-= >> Vicky Rogers´s latest brainfart .. A sweet piece about music and the wonderful Ms Melody Gardot =-.
What I want to know Grandad, is what do guinea pigs test upon? Smaller guinea pigs, I expect.
But don’t be fooled by Minnie’s evolution-allocated, passive demeanour. If that (guinea) pig could, it would adorably slit the throats of every human on earth. ‘Tis in their nature. All that’s stopping them from seizing control of this planet in an orgy of cute blood lust, is their lack of opposable thumbs. If natural selection gifts them the thumbs, then God help us. God help us all…
“Doc â I donât give a shite what people think of me.”
Ahh…that’s better.
.-= >> Doc´s latest brainfart .. Prologue =-.
Max likes to sit on top of Hendrix’s cage (same scenario) but Hendrix like to nibble anything that comes through the bars – its very funny to watch!!!
.-= >> Kate´s latest brainfart .. Once bittenâ¦â¦. =-.
Loving this ..”every time I start a day, which I seem to be doing now on a daily basis”. Oh dear oh dear. Great stuff altogether!
How long is it since I’ve been in here i.e. how long have you been a twit??? (extra question mars for emphasis)
.-= >> Charmed´s latest brainfart .. Anyone for tennis tech? Itâs about Wimbledon â what else? =-.
I read you every day and love your attitude but i think I’ll pass up on my visit just in case you mistake me for American.Wtg Minnie.
Vicky – The yoke is still in hospital. It probably won’t be out until the end of next week. I send it flowers every day.
Doc – 🙂
Kate – Is Max your partner? That is very weird!
Charmed – How long is it since you were in here? I don’t keep track of these things. Maybe I should install a timeclock?
June – How could I possibly mistake you for an American? I’ll have you know that people from Over There have actually visited Head Rambles Manor [and lived to tell the tale].
Well – he does sleep with me! But he is feline!!!!!!
.-= >> Kate´s latest brainfart .. Once bittenâ¦â¦. =-.
June – The old fart never invited me !!!!!!
Kate – There is no need to call him names just because he fancies his chances with a guinea pig?
TT – You never asked !!!!!!
Figured I might get mistaken for a tourist and shot !
I’ll have you know that I had to read your post in order to comment. Actually I didn’t actually have to read it just to post a comment but in an attempt at keeping things in perspective I decided to anyway.
Oh hell, now I’ve lost track of what you wrote in the first place so I have to go back and read it all again.
BTW, I like the way you’re taking care of business. Just shut ’em all down and let the bits sort themselves out on their own time. Meanwhile, kick back and have a pint on me (and say hello to K8 for me would you?).
.-= >> Kirk M´s latest brainfart .. Life in the slow lane. =-.
Flann – You got trapped in the bowels of my site somehow. My software is more discerning than I thought? I am well aware of Minnies ambitions for world domination, and am currently experimenting on cloning thumbs. Results on the neighbour’s cat are quite encouraging.
Kirk M – I’m very sorry you had to read it. It really isn’t necessary. I don’t thing most readers do, judging by some of the comments I get. I had the pint last night – it was nice, cool and creamy. Many thanks.
You didn’t post the video you made of the kitten antics? Don’t be afraid of the dirty laugh, it’s a Rambles family trait, to be enjoyed and shared! The world needs a Muttley revival.
.-= >> K8´s latest brainfart .. White Sage =-.