Freedom of Information
For a long time, the people of Ireland have been complaining about the level of secrecy in government and big business.
They introduced the Freedom of Information Act, but that is a tedious way of gaining information, and you have to know exactly what you are looking for.
I am delighted therefore to see that there has been a change of heart.
Not only are the government and Big Business making information available, they are actually giving it away.
They started at the weekend, when our illustrious HSE [the Death Squad that runs our health service] gave away fifteen laptops containing information on people who have approached community welfare officers seeking assistance. I think that is very fair of them. It is only right that we should all know who is looking for assistance, and why.
Unfortunately, in a massive cock-up, on a scale which only the HSE can achieve, some twat had encrypted fourteen of the laptops, thus rendering the information useless. There are rumours abounding that they are about to make the encryption keys available, to rectify this mistake.
Yesterday, Bord Gáis showed the HSE how it should be done.
They released a laptop containing 75,000 customersâ banking details, and being far more efficient, they left the laptop unencrypted.
Again, the rumour mill has gone into overdrive and there is a strong possibility that the ESB in a counter-strike is going to publish all their customers banking details in the national papers.
In times of recession it is only right that we should have the freedom to spend. It is, in fact our civic duty to spend as much as possible in order to get the economy back on its feet. To this end, these account details are being circulated in order that we have sufficient funds to boost trade.
Maybe they are not as stupid as I thought?
The big switch didn’t work out so well, they’ve sold your details to spammers and telemarketers.
Expect calls and emails offering pills for small organs. More so than usual in your case….
.-= >> Maxi Cane´s latest brainfart .. Challenge Maxi =-.
Maxi – It’s OK.. they already had them. I don’t have a small organ, or even a piano for that matter?
i know that is just crazy and thats the reason why i dont shop online. I am a bit afraid that they might clone my lazer card good luck in them trying because i have no cash on the card ha ha
.-= >> Vicky Rogers´s latest brainfart .. I heart films =-.
I just love the phrase “To release a laptop”, Grandad.
Unfortunately, you are wrong. They released it, but they didn’t prepare it properly for public use, at least so they claim:
“Managing director of Bord Gáis Energy Dave Bunworth said this morning the stolen laptop containing the account details of 75,000 customers would be âvery difficult to get intoâ despite it not being encrypted.”
Very difficult to get into – what does it mean, exactly? That it’s really, really tightly closed?
.-= >> jedrzej´s latest brainfart .. reading in the sun, Fountainstown, County Cork =-.
Vicky – It’s a lot safer to shop on line than it is to get sick or use electricity!!
Jedrzej – I contacted Dave in the interests of clarity and he explained that the laptop’s account is password protected. I asked his what the password is and he told me it’s “‘password’ of course”. So it is very difficult to get into. [Unless, of course, you know the word ‘password’?]
Well it’s good to see that Ireland is following the lead of our banks and government institutions. Every few weeks we read about a banks laptop or, usually, a Dept. of Defense laptop being liberated and no they’re never encrypted , ya’ know, like mine and everyone else at my office is.
.-= >> Brianf´s latest brainfart .. My Yardwork Slave =-.
My comments have been blocked for days. What’s going on ?
Brianf – They are at it over in the UK too. It seems to be a world wide commitment to share information. About time too!!
TT – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
TT – You can come off the naughty step now.
You should try to grab the database and spam everyone to promote the book, you’ll make a fortune!
.-= >> Baino´s latest brainfart .. Little Men with Big Sacks =-.