Podcast my arse
I was going to try a podcast this morning.
For some strange reason, a couple of you suggested that I should.
Frankly, I canât really see the point. Instead of reading me droning on, you hear me droning on.
I suppose there are advantages to podcasts, in that you can listen to what I have to say while you are driving, or making mad passionate love with your significant other [or even your insignificant other?]. But you can do that anyway, because all my posts are converted to audio anyway by those people in Odiogo.
On the other hand, I would have to moderate my language somewhat, as you could be listening in the office, or with the children playing in the background. Visual stuff is grand, because you can always pretend it is something else, but when the sound blares out of the speakers, it tends to travel and everyone around gets the benefit of my fucking and blinding.
I did get as far as putting the microphone on and switching on the recorder. I said my cheerful âHello all. This is a podcastâ and then I went blank. What the hell was I supposed to say? Feck all has happened between yesterday and today, apart from raiding a couple of tobacconists across the County Border and having a quiet game of poker with Sandy last night. [Never play poker with a dog â you canât tell what they are thinking.]
So there I was, staring at the recording program as it quietly recorded nothing, except me breathing. I suppose I could do a half hour of heavy breathing, but my probation officer has warned me about that, so I canât.
Anyway, when I do a solo spot into a microphone, I tend to drone. I sound like a footballer being interviewed, or at worst, I can nearly sound as bad as Harney [the Queen of the Depressed Drones].
The microphone has been packed away again.
If you want me to podcast, you are going to have to do some of the work. You are going to have to suggest what I do, or what I talk about.
If I could find some way of recording Skype, I could have a phone in. That would be interesting? But youâd all have to be around at a prearranged time, and I know from experience trying to do a podcast with America and Australia that that can be a pain in the hole, as everyone is in a different time zone.
So itâs back to the old keyboardâ¦â¦.
Well I like you better on the keyboard. I’m slow at picking up technology, and podcasts aren’t in my world yet.
If you really want to do one, you could interview Sandy & Minnie, or even Herself. Takes the pressure off a bit, and prevents the droning, AND if it doesn’t go well, you have someone else to blame. Yup.
Susan – Fair enough. One happy camper anyway! I tried interviewing Sandy, but she insists on an agent and a contract. All Minnie does is squeak, and as for interviewing Herself – You really do not want that.
Ah Grandad, I was all excited.
Well, if it makes you feel better, I prefer to read. (Although your voice would be great on the radio). I don’t even know what a podcast is (am I behind the times?) and would have to figure it all out which I really don’t have the time for. Reading your blog while I plod through my other boring emails every morning is a lift to my spirits – so don’t stop writing them, even if you broadcast as well.
Did you win the poker? 🙂
Xbox – I’m glad to hear it. ?
Tricia – A podcast is where I record my pearls of wisdom so that you listen instead of reading. That radio recording I put up is a sort of podcast. Your spirits must be incredibly low if my scribbles manage to lift them?
Having said that, your actual voice was very calm and collected altogether, almost anti-rant.
I think we are generating a concensus here.
Xbox – I am a very calm and collected sort of bloke. Now, if I were to be interviewed by Plank, you might hear a different story?
TT – Not only that, but people seem to be in agreement.
What’s a podcast?
Fishing for dolphins?
E Mum – Good grief!!! See my answer to Tricia above.
TT – Good one 😉
heh heh that was fun. Just got back from the zoo. Folks were lining up to get in as we were leaving. So we all ran out screaming “RUN FOR YOUR LIVES. “
TT – I trust you released a lion or two to add realism?
That’s subliminal, what you’re doing with your book advertising. The Human Rights people will have you strung up for that!!
K8 – What the hell are you on about now? It’s obviously too subliminal for me….
The flash stuff in the right column there… it’s making me want to smoke the copy I have already!
K8 – Oh, that. I thought you meant there was something in todays ramble. Obviously it’s working?!
Why change a winning formula? First its podcasts, next its voice over work on MacDonald’s ads. Nobody wants to sink that low! Stick with what you know!
Hoor – You’re right. I’ll stick to what I don’t know.