Using your time profitably
Here at Head Rambles Manor, we have a policy of attempting to disrupt the exploitation of the masses by the moneyed classes.
We believe that the era of the Dickensian sweatshops is over.
To this end, we like to provide as many distractions as possible to entertain you when you should be working.
We worry that having spent a few hours flitting from blog to blog, doing some Twittering and updating your Facebook, you may be tempted to actually do some work.
To fill in those odd moments between emails to your pals and watching YouTube, I would like to introduce you to a rather neat application.
It isn’t exactly an essential piece of software.
But it is great fun.
Take a look at Cooliris.
It is strangely addictive.
I have been running it for a while, and it is great for searching for music or images.
It looks fantastic.
But best of all……
It’s a great timewaster.
More internetty stuff I don’t understand.
If it’s not porn I don’t know how to use it.
Maxi – Excellent for searching for porn!
That’s an excellent time-waster, all right: I managed to kill forty minutes just waiting for the site to load. Not dial-up friendly, I must say.
Susan – I was going to warn about that, but as you found, downloading it is a nice timewaster too. I have to consider all angles and aspects.
Yet another Windows program copying an Apple product……
I quit the downloading of it also. Too much.
See what happens . Thanks Grandad.
SHoop – Ah, who cares? 😉
TT – Thanks for trying. As long as you wasted a good chunk of time?
Looks like a cool product! Love your site, by the way 🙂
Ah poop. Damn my rubbish 02 dongle. It looks so cool too. Talking of timewasting, I see you’ve been fiddling over at my gaff too. Impressive 😉
Thanks Grandad… more reasons to do fuck all !
Curses and a pox upon you! MUST – DOWNLOAD – NOW
The company’s IT department are on to you Grandad. I’ve been having too many ‘Head Ramble Fridays’ they’ve noticed 😉
Jen – Welcome to my humble abode! 😉 Thanks.
E Mum – If your site breaks, blame The Other Fella – the one who does my typing. He’s always messing things up.
Moon – Do you really need an excuse?
I see those hypnotic mushrooms I sent RhodesTer worked! 😈
SHoop – And what do they intend to do about it? I have ways of dealing with IT departments……..!
now you’re talking – hypnotic mushrooms??? there’s a fun way to waste time!!!! Far out Grandad!!!
Right on, Kate!