
Love — 26 Comments

  1. Thanks daddyo! I’m dragging you and ma to the next concert… you have to see the effect the music has on the kid for yourself, it’s amazing.

  2. I read K8’s post this morning and I was so touched that I didn’t know what to write without my comment sounding trite.

    So for some reason, I’m telling you this instead of her!

  3. Thanks for pointing that out Grandad with such a beautiful, simple and appropriate subject line. Fantastic story well told. Nominated also ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I had the same reaction. That’s why I wrote today, instead of commenting.

    Laughingboy is a wonderful lad at the best of times. He somehow manages to communicate raw emotion, and they are usually lovely ones – love, gratitude, happiness. He has an aura about him that gives people a sense of peace and tranquility.

    When people hear of his condition, they usually make noises of sympathy. If only they knew they should be envious! He truly talks to the angels!

    I am so sorry I wasn’t at that concert.

  5. What a wonderful revelation for this pure and precious little boy and his loving mum – and long may they communicate together through the joy of beautiful music!
    I wish them much happiness in their lives.
    Definately nominated!

  6. Beautiful, beautiful words. I’m sitting here alone in the house on a Sunday morning with big fat tears plopping onto the keyboard. You’re a lucky man, Grandad xxx

  7. This was absolutely beautiful. Seems to me you have incredible gifts as a Mom and a writer. There is absolutely nothing like this love you described for all of us. What a gorgeous child you have. The light in his eyes speaks volumes. I am crying tears but they are good tears and you have given me the gift of wanting to hold my children a little tighter this morning. Keep writing. You have a real gift for it.
    Tricia ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Awesome, awesome story – water works are still working the hairs stood to attention and I was so uplifted, read K8 all the time, she certainly has had a many very worthy posts but this goes to the top of her growing pile.

  9. And what lucky grandparents you are – you will experience a love from this little boy bigger than you could ever have imagined…….Enjoy!
    Peace and Love

  10. I have said before that I think K8 is a great writer. I just wish I could convince her!

    Laughing boy is indeed very special. He has made better people of us all without ever saying a word!

  11. She certainly is a writer of note it was a fantastic piece and so heartfelt. It made me believe that love truly does conquer all.

  12. from my family to yours, thank you for sharing….. innocent love and complete acceptance, pure and unadulterated.

  13. Oh good grief and here was I worrying that I was being a big sap and here now look at you all!
    I’m so honoured that you understood what I was trying to put across, when I feel like the most cynical person of all. Stuff like this is everywhere when you let it in so I’m so delighted that I could open that door for someone else.

    Tricia, thank you so much for saying so!! I’m so overbowled by everyone’s reaction, that hugs followed and goosebumps rose, it’s a compliment that’s hard to take though, the inspiration was just so vast. Amore Vincit Omnia I s’pose! It’s a nice break from those blues you wrote about ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Dad; I’m so glad you made me blog! Thank you. If I hadn’t my own space to gush the energy, I would’ve had to throw paint across the ceiling or something. Or syringe it like Puppychild!!! That would have been interesting but expensive..

  14. K8 has a wonderful way with words. Pure love poured from her blog.

    I too have nominated her.

  15. I’m with everyone else in saying that K8 is a fabulous writer, but it seems she also has a muse with her. That kid has a lot more going for him than many people.

  16. K8 has written a beautiful, touching post & you have every right to feel proud of her ๐Ÿ™‚ I love your grandson’s nickname – Laughingboy……..a very special boy indeed.

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