
Grandad in Wonderland — 26 Comments

  1. Congratulations! Somehow I knew you would win it. I’m pretty pleased that Grannymar was a joint winner ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Congratulations! Well deserved.
    I hope there is video and photos to help you remember when the fog lifts.
    Stay away from Grannymar’s joint.

  3. Congratulations! You and Grannymar are a great pair. May you both keep blogging for years and years!


  4. Congratulations! I was checking all day to find out. The awards site is a little slow on the news.

    All the Best.

  5. And this, sir, is why we love what you write so much.

    And the award for best Blog Awards Post goes to…..

    Brilliant to finally meet you ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Congratulations,

    I asked Grannymar what she would spend the prize money on and she said you had made off with it!

    Now I know what you spent it on – and in the middle of Lent!

  7. Isn’t that typical…. The one day I want to connect to the Interweb, my connection goes belly-up. They disconnected me for a few hours, and I had some very confusing conversations with my provider who a) tried to convince me I was my own brother and b) that I lived in Sallynoggin [where Dustin the Turkey comes from]. Anyway, I’m back.

    Thank you all. I’m still a bit numb, but that could be from fighting with that bloke on the phone.

    It was a fantastic night [I think?] and I just wish it could have gone on a while longer. Like, for a week or two?

  8. Many congrats Grandad on the win along with Grannymar, gave you guys a mention this morning on the radio cause both your speeches really stuck in my head.

    Well done.

  9. Congratulations Grandad! Muchly deserved! Particularly liked the elegant jig you and Grannymar did as you approached the podium to collect your prize ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. McAWilliams – On the radio? Wow! I can’t even remember what I said…. Thanks!

    Manuel – It was great meeting you too. I can put a face on you now!!

    TT – Thanks! I brighten your days like a nuclear explosion, with lots of fallout?

  11. What a night!! I didn’t enter my blog this year. I would have had an unfair advantage, being so brilliant and everything. Congratulations Grandad on the award, but don’t expect me to dust it.

    [not to be confused with Grannymar ๐Ÿ˜‰ ]

  12. Dancing classes start next week! Enjoy the euphoria, but I want my share of the money! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. Congratulations Grandad, and why are you getting dancing classes with the money? You seemed to dance the jig fairly well on your way to the podium. Very nice meeting you and Granny, whose blog is bound to win next year…

  14. Woo-Hoo! We love ya waaaaaay over here in California too Grandad! Please come pick up a little token of my affection (not affliction) when you get the chance! Congrats!!!!!

  15. Thanks, everyone. When the head clears a bit, I will try and elaborate tomorrow.

    A couple of points –
    The money is gone. I spent it all. Stop going on about it.
    Will someone tell me what I said, because I have seen a couple of comments on my speech. Was it rude? Did I swear?
    The dance would have been better if Grannymar had been in step.

    One last point, Marlys – Don’t pair me off with Grannymar. It will give her Toyboy ideas, and Granny would be furious!!!

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