Poets should know better
One of the things that is strange about blogging is not knowing who is reading your blog.
Of course if someone comments, I then know of their existence. Or if they link to here, it will turn up in my files somewhere.
But there are people who read this, either by coming across it from another blog, or who have subscribed to the feed, and I may never know you exist. You are welcome nevertheless.
One of those anonymous readers suddenly surfaced last week, not here on the blog, but in MyBlogLog where he sent me a mail to say I’d been tagged with a meme. Now what astounded me was that Dan at Dreams Are Yours To Share is a poet. I don’t mean that it is astounding that he is a poet. I mean it is astounding that he should read this. This blog is as poetic as the writings on a toilet wall. Anyway, he apparently does read it, which goes to show that poets can be weird too.
He has tagged me with an old[ish] meme –
Now Here are the rules of the Meme:
Post on your blog . . .
+ Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
+ Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
+ Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
+ Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
That’s all there’s to it . . .
Oh and have fun.
Bugger. I’ve done this before. And I can’t remember what I wrote, so I’ll probably repeat myself.
1. I was once arrested but was let off again when they found a Rosary Beads in my pocket. I don’t know how the beads got there [and don’t say it was a miracle – it was probably my mother trying to convert me].
2. No matter how hard I try, I can’t learn to swim. I have given up. I have calculated that my head is the heaviest part of me so I always head nose first to the bottom.
3. One of the reasons I grew a beard is that I suffer from ingrown hairs. The little buggers pop out of my skin, turn around and head back in again. Either that or just before they break surface they start growing in a spiral just under the skin. It only seems to happen on my face and legs. I have to keep attacking the little bastards with tweezers and/or a pin, otherwise they go sceptic.
4. I like bending the rules to see what happens.
5. I have only been barred from one pub. That same pub begged me to come back within a couple of hours with offers of free drink.
6. I was told many times by my mother that I was a mistake, and they never intended to have me. That was nice of her to impart that bit of information.
7. I have voted in every election and referendum since I was 18. My vote has never made a difference. And I usually lose.
The well has run dry. I can’t think of anything else about myself, so if any one else tags me – tough – you’ll have to learn to lump it.
In the meantime, who will I screw with this one?
Roy over at Irish Taxi writes about three or four times a day, and I like his writing. This will give him something to write about.
Terence McDanger over at Moo-Dog because he is insane.
I would have tagged Stupid Irish Daddy, but he was just caught out himself!!
I haven’t hammered Robert at Observations from the Back 40 before. *heh*
I have to p*ss off Jack at Is this it? Is this really what it’s all about?
I think Kirk at Just Thinkin has escaped so far. Not this time.
And finally The Swiss Job, simply because he escaped me the last time.
I know that’s only six. But… See point 4 above.
Well I for one tend to check in daily, appreciate the entertainment grandad. Mind you I have a notion I left a comment before, so not completely anonymous. Belated congrats on the book thing.
Thaks Thrift! I know the name well ๐
[And you got through the moderation thingy, so you were here before]
Did we learn anything new? ๐ ๐
Grannymar – Probably not. After all these memes, I’m running out of material. Is there anything else you’d like to know about me?
Well now………. on the other hand maybe not!
If you have nothing to do you might help out on my blog today!
Hah! I have more than enough to keep me busy thanks ๐
Grandad hammered me..and it left a damn mark to..but he was a little late on the swing I got tagged with this nasty piece of business last week…so I can skive off and go for a drink…If you don’t believe me go back and look..time for bottoms up….:):)
I think Dawkins got it wrong.
Meme should be renamed Youyou as they are always passed on from me me to you you.
Seesee what I I meanmean??
*lies down in darkened room*
Ha ha, Moo-Dog’s got it. Thanks Grandad! He’s been a bit too lazy lately.
Grandad . . . Thanks. You’re a poet of a different kind. As for the beard, I feel naked without mine. I’ll shave it off and then wonder why and start over again for another year. Now my hair is oh so long . . . Locks of Love. That seems to keep the nosy ones away. Love your words. Dreams are yours to share. Dan
Fair play to you grumpy drawers, you don’t usually like memes . . so good on ya! Personally, I think its all in good fun!
Ingrown hairs suck . . . but if I let my hair grow in the place where they tend to be ingrown, I’d look like a Yeti!
Robert – Don’t worry. I’ll get you again.
SID – Take another one of those little pink tablets. You’ll feel better.
Susan – Don’t gloat. You’re next!
Dan – I’ll forgive you this once. It’s the first time I’ve been called a poet! And my dreams are other people’s nightmares.
Baino – Now you know why I look like a yeti ๐
Hey, wait a minute. I did that “use all your tags in a post” meme. Over a hundred of ’em there were. I can’t believe you forgot that.
Oh, okay. I’ll take care of this one right after the chores are done. Keep on them ingrown hairs or you may be overcome.
Kirk – So you did! And very well too, if I may say so. It’s your own fault for writing so well. I know I’ll get an interesting reply!
Oh Jesus. I truly am insane, I’ve only just copped this now. Ha! (Not that I haven’t been reading or anything!)
Don’t worry Terence. You’re only three months late.