
Radioactive Man — 14 Comments

  1. Roofing for you, Richard.
    All the very best for Monday, and I hope the traffic is easier than normal.

    • Sorry – that was meant to say ‘rooting for you’.
      Autocorrect and fat fingers.

      • Roofing is probably more important than rooting as my previously leaking roof will testify.

  2. And lo I sit on the couch and my balls do glow in the dark.

    Of course my sense of humor is only to make you smile a bit. But the seriousness of the situation does not elude me. My thoughts are with you always, my friend.

    • They really should have warned me to abstain from sex while in their infernal machine. Maybe I can sue them?

  3. The old Strand cigarette advert used to go ‘You’re never alone with a Strand’.
    Well you’re never alone with a web-ful of folk rooting (or even roofing) for you.
    Keep the faith, brother.

  4. “How many hours do I allow for the journey?”

    A tad late I know but I can’t pass up the opportunity. Just go up the night before and camp in the parking lot.

    Seriously, best of luck grandad!

  5. Far too late to wish you good luck, so here’s for you to have a great Tuesday with all that behind you now!

    • I saw your comment just before penning today’s little scribble. Sorry, but I had to laugh! Oh that life were so simple….

  6. I have said this before but I can;t say how much I appreciate your good wishes. Considering that none of you has actually met me, it is quite humbling.

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