Chaotic normality
So I survived yesterday.
There were no nuclear meltdowns in spite of having a little bracelet strapped to my arm saying I was radioactive until 3:45 pm. A remarkably accurate half-life measurement of nuclear decay?
I only had one real problem with the scan. It was nothing to do with claustrophobia or anything like that, though I can imagine how someone might be somewhat put off by being laid out on a plank and then shunted in and out of a very large doughnut. Nor was it anything to do with strange liquids being pumped into me. My problem was that they wanted me to lie with my arms stretched over my head. That sounds simple and it really is, until I discovered that maintaining that position for half an hour or more is quite painful.
So the die is cast. They have their map of all my little blood systems presumably in glorious technicolour and in 3-D. It’s up to them now to decide my fate.
I had a good night last night for the first time in ages. As usual I woke at six [I still haven’t worked out what that’s about] but for once managed to go back to sleep for another few hours.
When I finally woke my first thought was that the scan was over with. Great. Maybe now some normality can creep back in? My second thought was fuck but that’s painful. It’s strange how pain waits for a few moments before kicking in just to lull me into a sense of false security? Naturally today’s pain is worse than yesterday’s. That’s another little trick my nose likes to play.
I collected the post. One was a letter informing me of another appointment tomorrow week in the same hospital as yesterday. Just to tighten the screws a bit more though they now want me in by half eight! This is [and I quote] the “Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic”. Am I to meet with the team who will be slicing and dicing me while hopefully I’m in a bliss of unconsciousness?
Things are looking up.
Never count your chickens though.
I went to tell Herself my glad news. I was greeted with a scene of chaos.
Leaving out all the personal shit, suffice it to say that an ambulance was called and Herself is now back in hospital again. Déjà fucking vu with a vengeance.
At least my pain has eased a bit.
I think I may have overdone the Morphine a bit…..
Sorry to hear you have even more problems, you are not getting a break at all. It all seems to have gone wrong so quickly. Re the PET scan if you have difficulty keeping your arms up they can tie them to your sides. Now the wait for the results fingers crossed they are as good as you can hope for. Honestly, despite my prognosis and choice not to take the only treatment on offer I feel quite well compared to your troubles and think I have been lucky so far. I hope your wife is ok, you didnât even have her home for long. Thank heavens for your daughter. Wishing you both good luck..
My situation is slightly different. The only option is a rhinectomy as the existing monstrosity is something I couldn’t live with. It really is a disgusting sight!
I had a similar procedure recently, a CT scan of my heart injected with an iodine-based dye that made me feel like sh*t. Thankfully my number one daughter drove me into hospital and back. And, yes, you are right, the hande hoch aspect was painful. Afterwards I couldn’t feel my hands for half an hour.
I was suppoased to have had a CT and an MRI scan but I never had an iodibe injection [that I remember] and the MRI was a big let-down – none of the noises and crashes and banging I was supposed to experience. I think they were just having me on.