Sentenced to the Electric Chair
I have been somewhat busy today.
For a start Herself had the idea of robbing my chair when she’s in this room. She tried it yesterday evening and found it very comfortable so has decided it’s now hers. Fuck! I tried the chair she normally uses but it’s not as comfortable. It’s one of those fancy electric ones that not only lifts your feet off the floor but has another button the flips the whole thing up to almost a standing position. I tried speeding it up to try flipping Herself out the door but that didn’t work. I had to make do with just tipping her onto the floor in a heap.
I decided to wage war on Penny and recapture her armchair which used to be mine until the newfangled ones arrived. I always liked it so I decided to reclaim it by moving all the furniture around. Penny isn’t happy as she is now reduced to a mere bed and sole use of a two seater couch in the sitting room. Having moved the chairs around I then had to clear all the rubbish I had thrown in behind the chairs for want of a bit of storage space. A lot of the rubbish has to be shredded too as there are some documents that may cause a wee problem should Revenue ever come poking around.
I have decided to give the Biography thing a bash. If it reaches a couple of thousand words I will be more than surprised. What I will probably do is scribble off a few pieces here on various topics and then flesh them out into proper chapters in the book. In the meantime I will write more material for the book only, as it would probably be too boring for here.
I discovered today that going into Windows and firing up Word doesn’t work any more. For some extremely irritating reason it wants me to buy a licence or something fucking stupid like that. Arseholes. So I’m using LibreOffice Writer which will be as good [if not better] as soon as I get used to it. I even found a formatting template for writing a novel which is novel?
I’m taking a break now. I’m waiting for a grocery delivery at the moment [life here is wildly exciting and hectic, isn’t it?] and need to conserve my energy for putting away stuff into cupboards, freezers and the fridge that are already full.
I can see the Electric Chair out of the corner of my eye. It’s big and black and is looking extremely unhappy at being shoved against the wall. It actually looks quite agressive as if it’s about to launch itself at me. I should be all right though, as I doubt it can attack me when it’s not plugged in?
But you can never tell with modern appliances?
When plugged I remember to put water on the skullcap, stinks the house out otherwise
The stench of Grilled Delacroix?
Don't trust that chair again. It will be upset that you rejected it, and the next time you use it it will fold, back against seat swallowing you and muffling your screams.
Years later somebody will be searching inside for small change and will only find your dried out , shattered bones and whatever you had in your pockets.
Thanks. As if my nerves weren't bad enough……
As a longtime Mac user (11yr old system which still performs more than adequately), I have eschewed Microsoft Office for ages: I don't like their avarice, their clunky software which makes ever-increasing demands on my system, and their software's many vulnerabilities to the attentions of The Ungodly. I've used Libre Office and/or Open Office for ages and found them perfectly functional with no problems. Getting used to them is quicker than you'd think.
The only reason for using Word was to force me off Linux. That sounds weird [for me] but my Windows set up deliberately didn't have Interweb access. The latter is a fierce distraction, so being isolated helped me focus my mind. I'm now using LibraOffice and the Interweb is a fierce distraction!
I find I can do almost everything I ever need to write using Wordpad – which was free with Windoze something years ago but is downloadable and still works on my Windows 7 PC. Open Office for anything fancy.
Wednesday is our day of excitement. Mrs W42 has a regular zoom meeting with the local
gossip clubcovenLadies Badminton Club, the weekly grocery delivery arrives and I get to take the bins down the driveway in the evening for early Thursday emptying. It's all go on Wednesdays!Damn! I forgot to put the bins out last night. I'll just have to dump my rubbish in a ditch somewhere….