In search of sanity
I had a brief glance around the papers this morning.
I have said before that we live in surreal times, but I am beginning to wonder if we have in fact transported into some alternative universe. In this new universe insanity is apparently the norm and I really shouldn’t be surprised at anything any more.
Take some of today’s headlines –
Modern Ireland is unimaginable without Jack Charlton
[Irish Times]
What the fuck does this mean? I can’t even begin to understand this weird statement. I didn’t read the article as I think I would probably lose any marbles I had left.
Data shows Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine 70% effective against Covid-19
Actually this is a fairly normal headline in these crazy times. What amused me was the corresponding headline in the Irish Times –
Oxford Covid-19 vaccine can be 90% effective, results show
[Irish Times]
Do I get a choice when Doc calls? Can I demand the Irish Times vaccine or will he pawn me off with the cheap RTE version?
Then there is a non-story that has been filling the news for the last few days –
RTà bosses may be brought before Dáil committee over social distancing controversy
[The Journal]
A staff member in RTE was leaving and had a few photographs taken. Shock! Horror! As far as I am aware, no kittens were drowned or puppies beaten to death, or indeed a single case of the sniffles but this fucking story rolls on. And on. And on.
Tipperary and Cavan deliver two earthquakes in one day
[Irish Times]
Good grief! And I never felt a thing. Not a single quiver in the ground. I hope there wasn’t much damage or many injuries? But then I noticed it was something to do with sport. Heigh-ho. What a massive disappointment
Face masks donât impede exercise … except for one type
[Irish Times]
One type of exercise? I assume they mean sweaty sex. Are we supposed to wear masks then?
And then I found a piece of real news –
At last. Something sane.
Cock-ups always provide a moment of light relief!
And something not sane (but perhaps inevitable)
Ouch! In these times, I'm not at all surprised.