Spanking a sulky child
I decided yesterday to do a little job.
Its a small job that I have been meaning to do for a while.
I have one of those disky yokes sitting on a table beside my chair, where I can plug it into my laptop to make backups and things. It’s very handy and also quite important – it’s amazing the number of times I have had to search it for stuff I might otherwise have lost.
Now the problem is that there is something wrong with it. Every now and then I have problems copying files onto it. It refuses to copy and also if I try to delete stuff it refuses that too. It’s like a sulky child. And like a sulky child it needs a good spanking to get it to behave.
I decided to format it.
The problem then is that I have to shift the contents onto another drive otherwise I will have lost a lot of important shit. That’s an easy task you say? Just copy files from one disk to another? Oh that it were so simple! You see, its a two Terrabyte disk which means it is capable of holding 2,000,000,000,000 bits of information, and unfortunately there is a lot of information that has to be shifted. Even worse, I don’t have a disk big enough to take the full load so I have to split the stuff between a few disks. Also I am deleting stuff to beat the band and hoping against hope that I’m not deleting something important.
I started yesterday. I’m still working on it. It’s currently copying 1,657,450 files across from just one folder which gives an idea of what a pain in the hole this job is. And because it is working flat out to copy all those files it means the laptop is running slowly for anything else.
If you don’t hear from me again, it just means my laptop has exploded.
Or your head.
On my lap.
I know what you speak of alright. I have two external drives, both 2 TB. One I use for backing up security videos (Almost 5 years worth now) and the other for data backups. Even something like copying over 12 GB seems like it takes forever and pretty much makes the desktop PC unusable for the duration of the copy. Which reminds me…
…I need to back up the computers. It's been too long already.
If you hadn't kept all of those videos of Mary Harney and James Reilly . . .
Good luck with the copying!
785Gb later and the disk is formatted [and working perfectly].
Now all I have to do is transfer everything back again………