A Blair in the hand is worth two up the Bush
There is a theory [well founded] that polls will give an accurate idea of what people are thinking, or what they want. Naturally, the more people you poll, the more accurate the result. Hence we have that system that we call Democracy.
However that theory has been thrown into chaos.
A country of over 250,000,000 [yes, a quarter of a billion] people were asked to elect someone who was responsible enough to lead them. And what did they do? They elected George W Bush.
I’m sure Mr Bush is a nice enough chap. I’m sure his mother loves him. But frankly he is scary. And I mean really scary. He is a total dimwit. He actually has a negative I.Q. I have scraped more intelligent things off the sole of my shoe. He struts around as if he has something rammed up his backside [actually he has – it’s called Tony Blair]. He looks at the TV camera with a blank look that is frightening. Talk about having the lights on but nobody being in! If he is asked an intelligent question, he looks at the questioner with a look of sheer bewilderment and then starts rambling on incoherently about something irrelevant.
There was that scary moment when he was filmed at a children’s school. He was sitting there listening to a child read out a story. You could see he was happy. He was among people who were closer to his intellectual level. He listened, and he smiled the smile of innocence. Then a Special Branch bloke comes in an whispers in his ear that the World Trade Centre has been attacked and that thousands are feared dead. He looked annoyed for a moment. He wanted to hear how the child’s story ended and he didn’t like being interrupted. So he dismissed his messenger and asked the child to continue. The blissful smile came back. He was back on his own little world.
Then he decided to clean the world of terrorism. His theory was that if you hit a wasps-nest with a baseball bat, that all the wasps in the world will suddenly drop dead, or decide not to be wasps any more. Any infant could have told him that life isn’t that simple. Hit a wasps-nest, and the wasps will get angry. They will start stinging. And they will tell their mates to do the same.
He discovered this to his [and the rest of the world’s] cost, and he was stumped. He didn’t know what had happened. He couldn’t understand that life doesn’t follow his simple rules. He didn’t know what to do. And he still doesn’t.
Now what frightens me is that the quarter billion people who put him in power turned out a couple of years later and said they wanted him to stay.
To me, this says one of two things. One possibility is that there is something radically wrong with the way they vote over there, and the result doesn’t reflect the will of the people. But they are constantly telling us that democracy is the only way so they must think the system works.
The only other possibility is that they did elect one of their own. In other words, we have an entire subcontinent of intellectually subnormal people. I’m afraid this is the answer. This is not an opinion. This is the logical extraction of a diagnosis from a given sequence of symptoms.
And they have nuclear weapons. God help us all.
[Note the people of the United States – I’m sorry if you are offended. I apologise to you personally. But that’s because I know if you can read this far and understand what I am trying to say, then you are in a minority. i.e. intelligent and literate]
[Note to the C.I.A. – I know you read all websites for references to George W Bush. If you want an explanation of the above, just drop me a line. I promise to reply in nice simple words of one syllable each]
Haven’t you been watching the news? There is now 300 million of them.
As with most things in the US of A it all boils down to one thing – $’s.
The only upside is that they [the American public] finally seem to be figuring it out and are unlikely to again put their unquestioning faith in the neo-cons (for a little while to come anyhow). That is of course *if* nobody decides to attack them again before November.
But perhaps the terrorists prefer the neo-cons?
Anyhow, dear CIA I am in no way affiliated with the oul’ fella who wrote this rant. Please leave me out of any and all investigations.
Oh God! 300,000,000! That is depressing. Maybe they are now counting the population of the UK as part of the States? I believe there are talks of a merger?