That was the week that wasn’t
This can only be described as a cesspit of a week.
Anything that could go wrong went wrong and did so in spades. I even managed to fuck up an appointment which led to a wasted journey to the hospital and a lot of needless walking.
Add a dicky stomach to the list of ailments which culminated last night in spectacular fashion when my dinner made a reappearance. Luckily the toilet was close at hand. That’s the first time I have indulged in that little exercise in living memory.
Last night was typical. I went to bed at midnight and slept ’til one. Woke up and realised that there was no point in being in bed so I dressed and went out to my armchair where usually I can doze off again. Not so last night. Constant pain and restless legs made sure that I could enjoy every waking moment staring at the darkness outside.
The old legs isn’t as good as they were either. Whereas a couple of weeks ago I could march anywhere and everywhere, now I desperately look out for some spot I can rest my arse to get my breath back. I’m getting very good at finding little spots that I can park the maximus gluteus for a few minutes. Sadly I’m even contemplating a return to the crutches. Fuck!
Herself will give out to me if she reads this. “It’s very dark and depressing”
Maybe so, but then so is life occasionally.
Let’s hope next week will be an improvement.
It could hardly be worse.
At least you are still alive.
I was begining to wonder……….