
In which I die and become a fugitive from justice — 6 Comments

  1. I once fell asleep in a dentist chair after he numbed me up and left for the obligatory ten minutes while the anesthetic took full affect. I don’t recommend it (for obvious reasons).

    Have you been arrested yet?

  2. Think positive, if you’re arrested and extradited to Belgium, their health service may be better than the Irish one, the hospital food of mussels, chips and chocolate would probably be an improvement too.
    But then again, I suppose it could just have been a routine scam-call . . . . .

    • In general I am happy enough with the health service here. I am utterly confused though as there was a news item recently saying that cancer patients were having to wait months for an appointment. I had to wait about a week. Am I really so important?

  3. I always take these calls very seriously as one never knows when suspicious activity in ones bank accont is occuring, (usually it is the wife) and the and the apprehension of being arrested by the finacial equivalent of the sweeny makes the day pass pleasantly.

    • I once had a fine time winding up a scammer. It was one of those “I am from Microsoft and will help fix your Windows” scams. I went along with him as he patiently told me how to navigate through Windows while I played the part of the bewildered old fart [where abouts is the Any Key?]. In the end I felt sorry for him as he was tearing out his hair in frustration while I just played solitaire, so I told him I wasn’t even using Windows. I learned some interesting new swear words…..

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