
Is anyone interested? — 9 Comments

  1. I would but you need a young ‘un. Actually more than one, just in case – ‘heir and a spare.’

      • I’m even older than Grandad so I’m not an ideal candidate to take over, but I’d be willing to chip in.

      • Sadly daughter shows little or no interest. i would be loath to involve her anyway as she has enough on her plate.

        the idea of “chipping in” is fine but we would still need one central bank account, and people tend to forget chipping in after the first year.

        I did receive a mail volunteering which is great, and I would suggest putting up a “donate” button to his account. There is one [to my account] on Anna Raccoon and I think I received one donation over the years!

  2. Particularly for Anna Raccoon is it worth having a backup that a few people could hold and redirect the site of it goes. Proper wp backup not webreaper type

    Could be with the same for scribrus but that is more dynamic.

    • I am more than happy to provide backups to anyone who wants them. I avoid all the web based services and generate two backups directly from the site – one is a compressed file of the database and the other a compressed file of the site files. It does require a little bit of tech know how to restore them on another server though. You would need to be familiar with WordPress installs, FTP and database setup.

      I would put those backups online but they would be an open invitation to hackers.

  3. In other circumstances I would be delighted to help out but I have just given up running a few club/charity sites due to age and health uncertainties. Not in your league of hospital treatments but have had a year of hospital appointments, scans, cameras, pokes, prods and minor op trying to sort out low blood cell count, now waiting for a date for a heart by-pass op assuming the anemia is under control, not looking forward to that one!

  4. Happy to do it. And I’m already running a few servers so this would be a drop in the ocean.
    It would be an honor.

    Planning to upgrade in December. So drop me an Email and we’ll sort something out.

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