
Willkommen — 4 Comments

  1. I am grateful that you continue to run the Martin S site especially considering your present troubles. I enjoy the ramble through your members boots as well as through your other links.
    Via these I am taken along other trails to other blogs, sites, whatever.
    It is a shame that Nourishing Obscurity had his blog blocked, but I still follow his other and newer postings.
    Thank you.

  2. Yes, strange peaks in traffic are difficult to comprehend. On my site I seem to consistently get hits from Singapore for some obscure and incomprehensible reason? I doubt that there is a large ex-pat community out there? Peaks from Singapore seem to coincide with a number of reads of older posts. The reasoning is beyond me.

    I have also noticed a crash in traffic since I posted a few rants about Israel/ Palestine. Either no one cares (sad, but probably true), or in full tinfoil hat mode, Israeli security are somehow diverting traffic. You could get paranoid trying to fathom it all out, but as the old joke says, ‘just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to get me!’

    Stay safe and warm Grandad.

    • Normally the only site to get these strange visits is this one. The usual culprits are China, Germany and Singapore. The Chinese peaks can last for several days. Weird….

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