
A simple solution — 3 Comments

  1. Just to add to your rant Grandad, did you know that the Republic’s government is now funding projects here in the North? It seems distinctly odd, unless this is some form of buy out that will lead to a united Ireland in the long run. Personally, I don’t care, it’s a line on the map and a few different rules to contend with.

    The Republic’s government is also underwriting EU travel insurance for all travellers from the North.

    On the other hand, I know a guy from Limerick who comes up here to visit relatives, and is registered with an NHS dentist to get free treatment. Governments can be very generous with other peoples money!

    • Yes I did mean to make a passing mention of little road projects. Isn’t it nice of us to help build your little boreens? A bit of tooth work is a small price to pay. We fill your cavities if you fill ours?

  2. Your tale of your “little business” is a perfect example of government (big or small) spending. Here in Newport City (US)where we reside the local pissants, I mean government yokels, have a thing called “The Water And Sewer Fund. At first glance it looks pretty self-explanatory doesn’t it? Hah! Not so. The W and S has always been suspicious since it’s more of a “Slush” fund where our little city government tends to throw all sorts of different funds into (their own salaries perhaps?)and why? It’s not available to public inquiry. In short, anything our city councilors want to hide money-wise they can just toss into the Water and Sewer Fund and voila. Ah, the little games they play.

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