Just when they think it’s all over
Ain’t life a bitch?
I’m back Inside. They came and collected me in their hoards, the night before last.
The only thing I can say about them is that they put me in a nice single room with en suite and telly. This is probably a mistake so I’m not going to query it.
So scribbling will be even lighter for a while.
If that’s possible……
They just can’t bear to live without you Grandad. 🙂
Oh heck. Iâm so very sorry. Maybe itâll be nice just to be pampered a bit.
Wishing you only good thoughts for a jailbreak soon.
Once they’ve got you, the never want to let go. Time to form the Escape Committee.
Who is looking after herself as I thought you told us she was back home?
Theyâve obviously read your blog and now youâre going to pay for it.
Aww geez! Iâm so sorry to hear this. Hospitals are for sick people not you. Well at least you have a nice room to conveles in.
As usual all my good vibes and happy thoughts are winging their way to you. Get better.
Mudpluggerâs right here.
I guess they have their reasons for wanting your company – could it be your endless store of risque stories? How is Herself managing at home alone? – or was that the point of the new ‘Help’?
Give us a hint of your location and we’ll send in a drone carrying a cake with a file in it!
Hope you’re recovering still,
All the Best
I’m with the other James here, Mudplugger has it pegged.
Hang tough young fella