
Is this what it’s going to be like? — 8 Comments

  1. Welcome home GD, and wow, that`s some journey you are on. I don’t envy you one little bit. Kudos to you for bearing it as well as you seem to be. Be strong and hopefully much further down the road it will still be a “remember when” episode in your life and a distant memory. Nice to have you back mate.

    • Thanks Elwyn. It is a journey and by all accounts I am only just starting. The actual surgery bit is hopefully over but now I have the pleasure of repeat visits to try to kill off any remaining cancer that may linger. I know there are two spots to start with and the hope is that they are the last. But still I have been promised years of repeat visits for further tortures. Nice!

  2. It sure is bloody hard. But I suspect it will slowly get easier. Someone told me years ago that it takes about 3 months for a general anaesthetic to leave the body completely, so there’s that for starters causing exhaustion. Then there’s all the rest your poor body and soul have to adjust to. Go with the flow; it’s early days yet.

    • Three months to get over an anesthetic? Seems a long time but then it must have been a heavy dose to keep me under for eight and a half hours. It’s a damn good excuse though. I am going with the flow and pushing myself that little bit each day. Time will tell…

  3. Best wishes for steady recuperation. I think you will grow stronger because you are stubborn and determined.

  4. “It’s a fucking bugger growing old”

    Yep, seconded, and I don’t have the big C to contend with. Fuck knows how you remain so cheerful – can you bottle the secret, and sell me some?

    • I’m tempted to suggest Jameson but in fact I haven’t touched a drop in weeks. It shall remain a mystery.

  5. Aye been there got the T shirt, but we just soldier on a get on with it, don’t let the bastards grind you down.

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