
When did it start? — 11 Comments

  1. My prayers for you for a speedy recovery. Stay strong as you always have been through the years. May God’s loving arms surround you and protect you. John

  2. So sorry. Hope it gets sorted. Your troubles haven’t come singly this year, surely the run must come to an end soon.

    • It has been an absolutely crap couple of months. But crap can’t last forever? I think things may be on the turn, slightly……

  3. I hope the PET scan and treatment can be started soon. The pain alone sounds horrible.

    • The pain is bearable most of the time. It’s the relentless aspect that gets to me.

  4. A new hooter won’t be a bad plan, as long as you can get over getting rid of the troublesome one!

    It will probably come down to a balance of days, when you eventually tell yourself, ‘Oh sod this for a game of soldiers, I’ve had enough’!

    After that, the future is positive!

    • Getting over getting rid? You must be joking? If you could see the thoughtful glances I throw in the direction of the electric carving knife you wouldn’t say that. If it weren’t for the mess……

    • Thanks, JohnC. That is a very interesting link. It is the first personal account I have read from someone with the same problem and our experiences seem somewhat similar to my own [so far at least]. I must look for more …..

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