Not making lemonade
I’m in a mood.
I’m talking a real mood. A lets get up the bell-tower with a high powered rifle kind of mood.
It started yesterday. The lads turned up to fill my [wall] cavities and that was grand. They set up a generator on the lawn, dumped a trailer in the front garden, blocked the lane with a large van and ran hoses and cables everywhere. So far so good.
Then the drilling started.
I don’t know if you have ever sat while someone drilled a half-inch hole with an industrial drill into the wall beside your head? I don’t advise it. The racket was mighty. And they had to drill a lot of holes so this went on for an hour or two, with one chap drilling and the other pumping shit into the holes.
They suddenly vanished. No farewells or anything, they just vanished. I must say they did a clean job with only the trampled lawn to show they had been. Very neat and tidy. I was impressed but still had a residual headache and ringing in the ears.
I then hoofed it up to the hospital to visit Herself. I knew the sight of me would cheer her up. The only problem was that I felt like shit. And they had moved her to a different ward, it being the only ward that wasn’t listed on all the hospital’s sign boards. After walking the corridors for a mile or three I eventually found her. She’s actually in a different hospital on the same campus. Has she forsaken the public hospital and moved to the private one? Very posh if she has! They must have discovered my health insurance policy and decided to cash in.
The visit was a bit of an ordeal. Herself was in great form but my feeling like roast shit was getting worse and it was hard to keep a cheerful visage when all I wanted to do was crawl into bed. Not her bed of course as that might raise a few eyebrows. I left after a relatively short visit as I wanted to escape the bank holiday evening traffic. The problem was that every other cunt in the city had decided to do the same thing, so I spent the next hour and a half sitting in fucking stationary traffic queues on a journey that normally would take a half hour. My feeling shitty was hitting all time highs of shittiness. It was obvious that I had some kind of bug or other as I sat admiring the cars in front, alternatively shivering and sweating. Fuck!
I woke this morning with a raspy sore throat and cough, feeling like last year’s discarded dishcloth.
And the dog has stepped in her dry food dish again, tipping little brown pellets of something all over the place.
A sick missus, a demented dog, cancer and now a bug? What the fuck did I do in a previous life to deserve this?
It must have been pretty bad?
Blame Billy Gates Gruff, the eanker.
Blame Billy Gates Gruff, the wanker.
Nah! I run on Linux. 😉
Third time lucky?
Sadly no surprise, you’ve been spending time at ‘infection central’, i.e. any medical establishment these days, especially hospitals.
Ever since Hattie Jacques ceased to be Matron, infection control standards have vanished as infections proliferate there. It’s reckoned that up to half the cases of Covid were caught in hospitals.
If possible avoid at all costs.
I wouldn’t mind but Herself was complaining [nothing new there?] about the stink of bleach because the entire floor of the ward is swabbed twice a day. Of course it was the hospital – I haven’t been anywhere else lately.
You can’t discount the possibility that you were a politician in that previous life.
(I’m led to believe that Karma can be an absolute bitch.)
Damn! That means I have a lot worse to come?
Just remember the fun you must have had if you were that bad!!
That is the whole problem – I don’t remember, so it’s not much consolation. The least the gods can do is let me know the crime for which I am convicted?
‘Community acquired pneumonia’ ia quite common in hospitals here; Senora O’Blene copped the lot and ended up back there a few weeks later…
Let’s hope that you and your good lady are reunited at The Manor PDQ!
There used to be loads of hospitals in Dublin but they all closed with the exception four[?] large ones. The one Herself is in is possibly the biggest. It is a vast complex and has to cope with a vast number of patients from an enormous catchment area, As a result there is probably a case of every known disease floating around in which case I probably have Covid or something nice like that.