
Turbulence — 15 Comments

  1. It’s a rotten time for you Grandad, and my heart goes out for you.

    As a gentleman much older than me explained when I was in the same position, ‘You buy into an animal like a dog, they give you all they have and more, but pay-back has to come a bit later on’.

    Thinking of you now.

  2. I have shared your trepidation and sadness. We will loose the loyal friend and companion that has seen us through thick and thin with nary a complaint, just the look of understanding. You have been a faithful friend and companion…now is the time to let Penny fly.

  3. Just cuddle her to the end. And then a bit. And kiss her goodbye.
    We are all going there.
    Words are useless.

  4. Very sorry to hear about Penny and the fears you have about your upcoming appointment. Thinking of you and Herself.

    Sue, Toronto

  5. Not easy for you but it’s about Penny’s comfort and peace, she doesn’t deserve to suffer any longer, neither do you. It’s the last kindness you can provide for her in recognition of all that she’s given you.
    Sleep well, friend.

  6. We’re getting near to the same hard decision and it’s awful to contemplate. Dog is failing and, although not yet in obvious pain, is slowing down rapidly.

    It’s the unconditional love they express which is the hardest to lose.

    God bless you and Penny, Ed

  7. I can’t add anything to the comments above, but I agree with every one of them. If there is a heaven for dogs (and there bloody well ought to be), then it must be a very fine place indeed…….if perhaps a bit smelly!

  8. My Boyhood Dog by Spike Milligan.
    Boxer, my Boxer, where do you lie?
    Somewhere under a Poona sky.
    Ah! my canine, total joy
    you were to me when as a boy
    we coursed the wind and ran the while,
    no end in sight, mile after mile.
    I was to you and you to me
    locked in a bond eternally.
    They never told me when you died
    to spare me pain in case I cried.
    So then to those adult fears
    denied you then, my childhood tears.

    Spike Milligan.

  9. Thinking of you GD. I hope today has gone well for you and that the news is better than you hoped. Either way, I’ll continue to lerk and if there is ever anything I can do to help, you have my Email address.

    • Darragh, you are a prince among men. Sadly the job I have to do is one only I can do.

  10. So sorry for your loss, my friend. A dog takes a little piece of your heart with them when they go.

  11. Thank you, everyone. It really is a hard decision but it’s the hard price we all have to pay for the love and companionship of a dog. it’s just a shame that dogs have such short lives compared to us. i have been down this road before but it never gets easier.

    Penny is still with us as I have yet to pluck up the courage to phone the vet.

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