
Bring on the superlatives — 8 Comments

  1. I think the icecaps are advancing. It seems pretty brisk up here on the ridge this morning.

  2. “They” couldn’t predict there way out of a papersack!!!! Lets just continue to scare everyone so we can raise a few more tax dollars with no accountant ability as to how the newly found money will be spent!!!

  3. I did a few calculations a while ago, based on the approximate age of the planet I calculated the time they had been collecting data as a percentage. There were 27 or so zeros to the right of the decimal place before the first significant digit!!
    That’s science that is.

  4. They keep saying that New Zealand has had its hottest year EVAH!. How do they know when you take into account that the first thermometer did not arrive here until 1850somethng with the European settlers. The Maori were not big on measuring things .

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