
Sickness — 5 Comments

  1. Have you been hanging around with Lilo Lil again ? At your age ?
    Eat plenty of full-fat natural yogurt. The anti-biotics mess with your guts big time. And bad guts are not good for the immune system which you need working as well as possible at your age.
    And feed the dog an Imodium to put an end to the shits.
    Then cheer up and pour yourself a drink. It is gone four ‘o’clock after all.

    • What do you give a man who has everything? Penicillin of course….

      It’s just a nasty and lingering infection [above the neckline] so Lilo Lil is blameless for a change. I treat my guts with large quantities of onions and Vindaloo. Works a treat.

      Penny is booked in for Friday.

      Drink poured.

  2. “websites”?
    The “s” as for the singer Sade.
    Or as how the appropriately named Sean Connery would have said it?

  3. Yes, turn things off. Especially that “Rate This” annoyance.

    Maybe down-migrate it to Flatpress?

    Or hand coded HTML?

    Sorry to hear about Penny’s “issues” 🙁

    And the oinkment.

  4. Dog: put a concrete skim on the floor to make it sloping towards the door, replace carpet with lino, wash all away with a hose as required.

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