
Getting the measure of me — 4 Comments

  1. I’m not paying for any of it

    Thing is GD, someone is paying. Yes, it’s “Government Money” but that someone turns out to be you.

    Even if you aren’t paying income tax, you are paying VAT and tax on bakee, booze and fuel. Even if you manage to avoid that, every cent spent on your four surveyors and to be spent on upgrading your mansion will be a cent that isn’t spent on healthcare, roads or schools for your grandkids.

    And even if you reckon that what you are getting out of your cavities, cladding and windows is worth more than the actual cost to you, you are also paying for all the other folks and their cavities, cladding and windows too. And with the added cost of all those cents being laundered through your Dear Government and the EU.

    But then again, they say it might save the world from Wobal Gloaming so no expense is too much, eh?

    • My argument there is that they are going to help themselves to my cash, one way or another. If I weren’t getting the job done then they were hardly going to lower my taxes because of the saving? Basically I am deciding to grab back some before they waste it on something else. Anyhows, thsi is part of an EU thing and they are paying towards it so essentially every tax payer in the EU is helping me out at a cost to them of a fraction of a cent.

  2. Yep, and there’s 488 million of ’em, each taking a fraction of a cent from you too 🙂

    It’s the old diffuse costs and concentrated benefits trap. Of course you’ll pocket the bung that comes your way, but overall you’re the poorer. The ones making the money are those that lobbied for the “cavities, cladding and windows” scheme in the first place (the four surveyors’ professional organization, the guild of cavities, cladding and windows installers and the EU lobbyists paid for by them).

    Nice work if you can get it 😉

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