
Murder most foul — 5 Comments

  1. Yes, lethal injections are a more humane way to kill someone and Smith’s co-accused in the contract killing they were both found guilty of was put to death by this method in 2010.
    However those opposed to capital punishment in the USA forced pharmaceutical companies to restrict their sale of the chemicals involved to prison authorities which rather unfortunately means many states are resorting to less effective ways of offing their wrong-uns.
    In this case the expression Go Woke Go Choke springs to mind.
    One thing that always intrigues me is why so many Death Row prisoners enjoy their final meal with a Diet Coke.

    • Did I read somewhere that one or two states were home-brewing their own cocktails?

      I also believe they are no longer allowed a last cigarette, It’s bad for the health and can lead to an early death, doncha know?

  2. In Oregon this was a part of a former Governor’s ban on any and all tobacco products on State property. This included state parks, state forest lands, and beaches. (Somewhat large driftwood bonfires are allowed however.)

  3. Government cocks up everything it does. Why should this be any different. I just don’t understand why they are experimenting with methods when we have so many already. Simply shoot them, the department of education has 1B rounds surely they can spare a box for this.

    They could easily get around the drug companies refusing to sell them drugs for execution but using or making their own. Low IQ individuals all over the world do it all the time so its hardly that complex.

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