
A picture of my hole — 4 Comments

  1. Necessity is the mother of invention, or so I’m told. It seems however that Many inventions require a bit of engineering by the end user.

  2. my ambition is to discover something they don’t stock

    I know just the sort of place. I reckon that one of the signs of a good hardware store is where they stock two different kinds of mole trap.

    (the moles might not agree)

    • I have never heard mention of moles in this area so I wouldn’t expect there are many mole-traps on sale. I try to be reasonable in my requests [no flowers, vegetables, fruit or meat] but so far they have provided me with cigarette lighters, lighter gas, flints, gifts, ornaments, toys, my hat, kitchen implements, various obscure batteries and a few other items. All those from a shop not much bigger than a small bedroom.

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