
The start of something the same — 6 Comments

  1. Happy New Year to Penny, Her Indoors, the folks at the coffee shop and your offspring and theirs.
    Oh, and yourself of course.
    And lang may yer lum reek.

  2. I seldom initiate the “Happy New Year” greeting but will reply in kind.

    Since my retirement I will occasionally make a point of greeting those that are still in the grind with a “Happy Monday”. Believe it or not there are some folks that fail to see the humor in that at all.

  3. For me (as for you I beleive) it is just another day but I would be remiss if I did not use it as an excuse to wish you and all at the mansion the very best for the coming year. My thanks for for all the work that you put into your blog and long may it continue.

  4. I’m a great believer in dry January.

    Dry Cider, dry white wine, dry sherry and, of course, dry martini.

    Wishing you a happy New Year and many more entertaining posts

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