It’s like a distant nightmare now.
But four years ago we were about to be hit with The Great Plague. Covid-19 was about to make its debut on the world stage.
It was a couple of years of hysteria and panic which some are still trying to prolong and I still get text messages informing me that I haven’t had my booster and if I don’t avail of their kind offer I will imminently die a very nasty death. I’ll take my chances, thanks.
Anyhows among their great ideas at the time were the lockdowns, face masks and anti-social distancing. Everyone was to remain at home to prevent the spread of The Great Lurgy. It worked to an extent but it also prevented the spread of everything else such as the normal coughs and sneezes that come every winter.
All of this frenzy may have seemed appropriate at the time but, as one or two of us pointed out at the time, there would be an inevitable consequence. Because kids were being held back from school and doing the normal mingling, their natural immunity was going to suffer as it wasn’t getting its normal blast of winter stuff. Kids born during the period would have virtually no immunity at all.
Now they are suffering as a consequence. Kids under the age of four have crap immune systems. As far as viruses go they are virginal territory and the viruses are making the most of it.
“‘It’s rampant’: GP urges parents to be aware of RSV symptoms due to surge in cases“
Quelle surprise!
I can’t quote it, but I did see a phrase regarding politics at some point in the past that read along the lines of
Never letting a good emergency go to waste.
All you need is an idiot in government to spout some inanity, and the resulting panic creates a market in everthing associated with spurious ways to alleviate the ‘problem.
I wish I’d been shop-fitting the Nightingale Hospitals over here – I’d have been in The Bahamas by now!
By coincidence, I’ve recently ‘acquired’ some electrical gear, amongst vast quantities which was removed from one of the never-used Nightingales – top quality sockets and switches, all brand-new standard. Every cloud, as they say . . . . .
Excellent, MudP!
It used to be called something like ‘Army Surplus’, and I remember getting a fabulous Naval Reefer Jacket in that shop in Vauxhall Bridge Road near Victoria station!
I bet the materials you have obtained are better than the normal spec! Well done that Man!
Bloody typical – I never had “The Jab” (or any boosters) and apart from a mild bout of sniffles one winter, I’ve been O.K – UNTIL NOW! Went down with something on Saturday and felt bloody awful on Sunday & Monday. I’ve now laid in some multi action remedies to (hopefully) allow me to get some sleep tonight, ‘cos I got bugger all last night…
MicD, you’re not alone!
I hadn’t been close to anyone – even shopping etc., for at least four days, and came down with the worst bloody cold and cough I’ve ever had! I really did get a bit worried, and finished up with a load of penicillin which has now seemed to work!
I gave the whole bloody bug to Senora O’Blene, and she’s just recovering after a week of hell and no sleep! I finished up sleeping on the floor downstairs as the coughing just kept the whole bloody village awake!
It’s an absolute bastard, this one, and I sincerely hope that you recover very soon – you will!
I blame COP28 personally…
No – it’s all down to Putin.