By way of an apology
Some may have noticed I made a couple of adjustments to my site?
Years ago I had a subscription thingy which worked well. That was fine until my thingy went tits up and I had to replace it. I thought it was a simple case of copying in the list of subscribers and that would be that.
Last week I discovered that my new thingy didn’t work by default. I had to make some substantial changes, some of which still have me a little confused. However I started seeing reports telling me that a couple of hundred emails had been sent and that a percentage had actually reacted to them. That percentage is around the six percent number.
This all means presumably that I am pissing off the other ninety four percent who are just cursing me and binning their mails. Sorry about that [*uncrosses fingers*].
Probably a lot of those old subscribers had forgotten Rambles and have no wish to return [I’m not hurt. Honest]. Some may have shuffled off their mortal coil. Some may have abandoned some old mail account. Some may have grown up and forsaken the Interwebs. There are many reasons.
If however you are one of the 94%, all you have to do is unsubscribe. I won’t be hurt. Really. I will only set fire to one kitten for each unsubscription.
That will leave enough room for the thousand and more email addresses I have collected over the years in my Thunderbird account.
Won’t all those businesses, relations and old friends be delighted to join a club they didn’t know existed?
FYI: This site took about 10 seconds to open today, it’s usually pretty much instantaneous. I decided to try again to see if the second time is quicker but then I got an error message: “Resource Limit Is Reached” and another line which I didn’t copy but was basically “try again later”. I tried again later and got in, then got the error message again when I tried to leave a reply. Have you been messing about in the engine room again?
There is something going on on the servers. This is the first time I have been able to get in myself. Basically the server is handling so much traffic that it can’t respond to a request. It has been going on for the last hour or two and is very frustrating. All I can do is apologise [even though it’s not my fault!!]
I am now receiving your emails (via subscription) without any problem, unfortunately they are all going into the spam mailbox. I am now in the process of training Safari to recognise the fact that they are not spam. Keep up the good work.
Maybe your mail programme just has good taste?
Seriously – I had a look at my mail setting [I use Thunderbird[ and onder the server settings I found an area which directs stuff to Junk. Mine doesn’t have a facility to explicitly filter mail, but does prevent mails being counted as Junk if the sender is in the Personal Address Book or Collected Addresses. I assume the latter refers to mail you haven’t marked as Junk in the past?
P.S. I added one of my accounts to check is the subscription system works. The notifications are arriving all right – in Junk!