Atomic bombs, trees and websites
It has been a busy weekend.
It started with a bit of destruction. I felled a tree. There is something very satisfying about this that I can’t explain. Maybe it’s because my favourite gardening tool is the chainsaw? It wasn’t actually a full tree – it was nearer half a tree that had been growing at an awkward angle so I had to duck under it to get past the house. Anyway the log basket is now full to overflowing.
Then yesterday was a birthday. I have often pondered at the coincidence that Herself shares an anniversary with the dropping of an atom bomb on Hiroshima. Is it pure coincidence?
This morning I woke to a problem on a website. Normally these things are reasonably simple to fix but not this one. The fucking thing had me tearing my hair out and in the end I applied a temporary fix which is akin to putting an Elastoplast on a broken leg.
I think I deserve a nap now. Between one thing and another I’m knackered.
Sleep well, sir.
Thanks, but it didn’t happen. I seem to have lost the knack of napping.
I share my wedding anniversary with that event: not sure which was the more destructive.
August 6th is my birthday too, but I’ve never received any extra plaudits for it unfortunately.
Will belated birthday wishes from me suffice?