Turbulent minds
It has been a chaotic couple of days.
It has left us both exhausted and in my case physically and mentally whacked. As a result my mind is somewhat blank. Any thoughts of thinking makes my brain hurt so therefore this site is somewhat neglected, I haven’t even got around to to replying to comments. Even my fingers hurt. My sincere apologies.
One thing I did mean to put to paper [or screen?] was a wee article I read during the week.
The article left me highly amused, bewildered, deeply saddened and in wonderment at the level of insanity in the modern world. Is the woman involved right in her suspicions? Or is she obsessed with sex and would interpret just about anything as something sexual? Or is she just ready for a nice gentle stay in a specially adapted hospital with padded walls, locks on the doors and some nice gentlemen in white coats?
One phrase makes it clear, “he is a rich and powerful man”…
It does come across as a sad case of unrequited wishful thinking. Poor woman!