
Retrospection and introspection — 5 Comments

  1. Next time you are in the big city stop in at Petersons and pick up a tin of ‘Irish Flake’. A bowl of this will fix any and all frustrations.

    Just make sure you smoke after a substantial meal. This is not to be smoked on an empty stomach.

    • Sounds like powerful stuff? It must be nearly twenty years since I was last in the big city. I doubt I would recognise it now. However, Petersons are online…. 😉

      • Yes, they are, which is fortunate for me. All tobacco shops near* me are actually cigarette outlets and the only pipes they have are of the glass variety.

        * By near I mean within 40 to 50 miles.

    • And very many happy returns to you, sir. My annual wish – may the new year be better than the old!

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