Retrospection and introspection
I suppose this is the time to take stock?
Has it been a good year? To be quite honest I’m not quite sure. It has gone so quickly that I hardly noticed its passing.
I suppose on balance it has been a good year. One must be positive, mustn’t one?
I’m still alive which presumably is a good thing. Some may disagree but that’s their problem, not mine.
The roof is fixed finally. Having spent Christmas last year frantically placing saucepans and buckets at strategic places in the bathroom, it was nice to hear the recent downpours hammering off the roof without a worry or a drip from the ceiling.
The Virus has finally been consigned to a non-story despite the best efforts of our health mob. They are determined to get us into a panic about respiratory diseases, flu and of course Covid. They miss the excitement of The Virus Years and want to return to the glory days of masks, anti-social distancing and all that shite but few are listening now.
Then there is the war [sorry – Special Military Operation]? That hardly classes as a good thing. No, tbeenhat classes as bad. The latest story I heard on that score is that Putin is apparently taking drugs for cancer and that these drugs caused him to declare war [though he says he didn’t start it]. I suppose that would be great consolation for those whose homes are destroyed and have been forced to migrate?
Another bit of bad news is that despite my best efforts I still haven’t managed to kill this fucking site off. It looks like I’m stuck with it for another while.
Happy New Orbit around the Sun, one and all.
Next time you are in the big city stop in at Petersons and pick up a tin of ‘Irish Flake’. A bowl of this will fix any and all frustrations.
Just make sure you smoke after a substantial meal. This is not to be smoked on an empty stomach.
Sounds like powerful stuff? It must be nearly twenty years since I was last in the big city. I doubt I would recognise it now. However, Petersons are online…. 😉
Yes, they are, which is fortunate for me. All tobacco shops near* me are actually cigarette outlets and the only pipes they have are of the glass variety.
* By near I mean within 40 to 50 miles.
A happy new year to you and your family. Letâs look forward to a great 2023.
And very many happy returns to you, sir. My annual wish – may the new year be better than the old!