And so it goes
It has been a quiet few days.
It was a joy having Callie here to stay but life is a lot simpler without her. I can walk around without tripping over extra dinner bowls and bedding for a start. At least Penny has got over her little trauma and is a happy little camper again.
So a couple of rockets landed in Poland? There was a moment of panic as NATO rules say that an attack by a non-NATO country is tantamount to a declaration of war. Are we to go to war with Russia [a non-NATO country]? No. Because they decided the missiles came from Ukraine [also non-NATO country] so it was a mistake. So Russia = war but Ukraine = mistake. Rules are made to be broken and that’s fine. At least we won’t have a Nuclear Winter ahead, just a Winter.
And Trump is running for the White House again? Now that was a complete surprise. If Biden runs again then there will be two contenders, both of whom are older than me. That makes me feel quite young again. Mind you, there is some doubt [and has been some doubt for a while now] whether Biden is actually still alive. My theory is that they filled his corpse with micro engineering and he is being remotely controlled from Langley.
Tomorrow I have an eye test. I thought it was a few years since my last one [I’m not counting my visits to the ophthalmologist as that’s different]. It transpires that it was only last year. Nevertheless I discovered on my motorway driving this week that maybe a test might be in order. Half the time I couldn’t see a fucking thing. Mind you, on the way down I was blinded as I was driving directly towards the sun which was low in the [clear] sky and on the way back it half blinded me in the rear view mirrors. Howsomedever new lenses might be in order. No harm in a test?
Isn’t life exciting?

I spotted the problem right off the bat Grandad.
The steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car which puts you in the wrong lane!
No. Steering wheel on the right, driving on the left. I only drive on the right when pissed [occasionally].
With regard to Mr. Biden, I agree with your line of thinking, but we differ on the point of control.
Langley is not the point of control; I believe it is Disneyland that’s running the show.
Yes. Disneyland sounds right. Or else a group of hackers who are having a laugh?