Peace at last
I signed off on the roof job today.
The old sarcophagus with tarpaulin trying to keep the rain off and a ladder, bricks and concrete blocks to stop the tarpaulin blowing off –

They removed everything down to roof level and rebuilt. They also rendered the chimney stack which had developed a few cracks in the old render. I didn’t ask them to do the latter but they did it anyway.

It’s a bit of an improvement?
Anyhows, all I have to do now is to visit Doc. You may wonder what the fuck Doc has to do with my chimney and you may well ask. Nothing in actual fact. However I have to send a shed load of documents off to the Council saying that the work has been signed off, along with signatures and bank details so they can refill my Emergency Fund. That doesn’t require Doc’s intervention.
However the Council are desperate to spend more money on me and to do that I just have to prove I have an Incapacitated Occupant in my wee abode. I need Doc to lay it on thick on another form to the Council. Nobody can surpass Doc at laying it on thick. I don’t quite know what the outcome of this will be. Will they want to widen a few doors? Lay a new driveway that’s wheelchair friendly? Remove a wall or two? Rebuild the entire extension? Rebuild the entire house? Only time will tell but they seem determined to throw money at me so who am I to complain?
I also have to get Doc to sign that annual form for RTE that says that I’m still alive.
I hope he can confirm that?
Looks like a good job well done. A lesser man would have given up in the struggle against The Man to get the necessary paperwork approved.
It was a lot of form filling but it was worth it. Except that they sent me a load of other forms now that I’m in the system.
Has it rained yet?
Not yet. I have put in an order for some this weekend. It’s on its way…..
In times past, the forms that couldn’t be signed by the doctor could be signed by the Garda sergeant.
That’s all very well but we don’t have a Garda here, let alone a sergeant.