Go away
I find myself withdrawing further and further from the world.
Life out there has become increasingly like some dystopian nightmare dreamed up by Orwell or Tolkien.
We have the Russians and Ukrainians playing chicken with a gigantic nuclear reactor plant. The Americans and Chinese are playing dodge-ball over Taiwan. Prices are soaring with threats of further increases. Our Green leader has assured us that we definitely will not have power shortages this winter so you can bank on it that we will. A politician vehemently saying something is false is a cast iron guarantee that it’s true.
I merely glance at the news these days to see how many have been killed in a mass shooting or who has been murdered today in Ireland. The world is just becoming increasingly violent. I cannot see how on earth it will all end. World War III? With there be an international rash of peace and tranquillity?
It is easier to just ignore it all.
Fuck it.
What’s the point of sanity in a world gone mad?
We’ll just let the world turn by itself, shall we?
The line between sanity and insanity becomes ever more blurred.
Makes you glad to be old sometimes. I worry about the grandkids but itâs their world now, hopefully they will work it out and survive the insanity we seem to be living with.
There seems to be an attitude of all or nothing here in the USA, and apparently that is the attitude everywhere around the globe.
I saw a bumper sticker once, “HE WHO HAS THE MOST TOYS WINS!
My neighbors to the south in California have been pushing the EV idea for years now; proud to be a leader at something other than movies for a change. Their Governor recently announced that he didn’t want them to charge those cars as often because of the strain it caused on the grid. Just one of those unended consequences.