A return to The Good Old Days
Our Teashop is stuck in America.
He went over to meet Sleepy Joe but caught the Virus instead. After jetting across the pond he ended up having to have his meeting via video link. So instead of a conference call across the Atlantic, it was a conference call across the street. Oh the irony.
Of course Varadkar, who is our Deputy Teashop [but who still thinks he’s the Main Man] is making the most of the absence and is grabbing the headlines again.
Ireland is in the midst of a Second Omicron Wave apparently. Or maybe its a Fifth Covid Wave or something? [I’ve lost count].
So, while Ireland has at last returned to a sense of normality with face nappies becoming ever rarer, and the headlines are all about a possible war in Europe, Varadkar reckons he can turn back the clock a bit to the time he had the country terrified of a bug, He hopes there will be no return of restrictions, which by mentioning them will imply he is at the very least broaching the topic. He has timed this to perfection of course as there have been no reports of infections since last Wednesday [our Health Service enjoyed a grand long Paddy’s Day holiday?] so when the figures are finally announced today they are going to be really scary. They will of course forget to mention the figures have accumulated over five days.
He also blathers on about over a thousand being in hospital with the Virus and just slips in, almost as an afterthought, that half those would have been in hospital anyway for other reasons. How inconsiderate of people to fall ill and clutter up hospitals?
He’s talking about a fourth vaccination. Fuck me! He really is hankering for the good times of the last two years, isn’t he!
He knows well where he can stick his fourth vaccination.
Unless it’s in the form of an enema in which case he can choke on it.
After the dip shit in chief made his insane comment about “being Irish but not stupid” why the hell does anyone from your neck of the woods want to see him about anything?
I will be the first to admit my president is a doddering old fool.
When Sleepy Joe said ” Bless me Father I’m about to sin ” This is what all the Irish should say next time the vote for the Demonrat Party in the US.
Or just skip the confessional all together Captain, (there are some things even your Priest shouldn’t hear).