Charles Darwin reborn
There is a little side effect to this Virus lark.
In the Good Old Days before madness descended upon the planet I used to get my hair trimmed occasionally. A lad would come to the house to trim Herself’s hair and sometimes I would get a bit of a trim myself. My main concern was to get the hair out of my eyes so my fringe was always somewhat short.
I would give the beard a trim too, though somewhat less often and I would alternate between the Gerry Adams look and a Harold Shipman lookalike.
Because of the Virus, Herself hadn’t been able to get her lad up to the house so both of us became somewhat hairy. Eventually, she managed to get hers done but I decided to leave mine well enough alone. As a result it is half way down my back in a ponytail. I’m happy with that, though the fringe still hasn’t yet grown quite long enough to reach the back of my head and keeps drooping into my dinner.
Herself has decided she likes the look. She has also decided she likes my beard uncut. I’m not too sure about that but I suppose she’s the one who has to look at it whereas I don’t.
So now I don’t look like Harold Shipman any more.
Nor do I resemble Gerry Adams.
I now somewhat sport the Charles Darwin look.

Though I don’t think he had a ponytail?
Didn’t he keep his ponytail under his hat, with all the finches which had difficult-to-classify beaks?
Somehow I see ZZ Top rather than Darwin.
I can even hear you hit that Gibson.
I will take that as a great compliment. However I play six-string and twelve-string guitars and never got around to bass, He died at 72 which at lest gives me a couple of months yet?
My wife keeps my hair in check. Once it reaches my ears the time has come. No attachments, just fire up the clippers and go!