World No Tobacco Day
Well, whoda thunk it?
I guessed something like that was coming over the horizon, as after a remarkable run of silence, the anti-smokers have suddenly come to life again. I suppose for the last year they have been somewhat cowed by the pandemic which is of course a real health issue and not their imagined one.
Anyhows, they have come up with some new startling figures [have they ever produced figures that weren’t startling?]. In hushed tones they have announced to the world that “Nine in ten smokers pick up the habit by age 25, studies show“. Wow! Startling indeed!
Naturally they have a solution. They want the legal age of smoking to be raised to 21. I find this a little strange. Why 21 and not 25? If they raised the limit to 25 they would immediately eliminate 90% of all smokers? However I suppose they are taking into account that 21 year olds, while old enough to fight a war, drive a bus, get married, have several offspring, vote, buy a house [or even get a mortgage] and make adult decisions aren’t really adults at all but just Big Children, and it’s stretching credibility a bit to assume 25 year olds aren’t adults who can actually make decisions on their own.
I noticed that at one point they produced a graph which proves conclusively that all their measures have had a significant effect on smoking cessation rates.

Notice the sharp drop off after each measure. Can’t you see it? Maybe it’s hidden by the red blobs? And please ignore the slowdown in rates after the introduction of the indoor ban, and indeed the rise after the ban on vending machines. We suspect Big Tobacco may have somehow interfered with the figures in some strange magical way. We all know how evil Big Tobacco is? Do note however the success of the banning of smoking in cars with children. This led to a sharp drop [just ignore the little bit after that].
I shall of course take cognisance of the day that’s in it.
I scribbled about it, didn’t I?
Anything to further The Cause
And unfortunately, I missed the deadline for submitting anything and everything about this:
Complete madness, a grab-bag of failed grasping at 'endgame' policy proposals.
I was busy in emails with my lawyer about a trust document.
I thought I had until midnight (2 hrs ago now) but it was 5pm.
Maybe all that is left is to write to politicians, hammer the alternative facts home.
But I feel guilty about not having made my point of view known in time!
Maybe it might have made a difference?
You're a bit behind the game there. ASH want to Phase out the sale of Tobacco Products altogether.
It would a fine thing indeed if "World No Tobacco Day" fell on the same day as "World Pipe Smoking Day".
As far as I was concerned, it was. Though really every day is World Pipe Smoking Day here.
Well I never thought about it on a small scale before, but you are absolutely correct. Not a day passes when I don't have a pipe hanging out of my mug.
The utter madness in the "Smoke free Aoteoroa "proposal is that while the Government wants to completely eliminate tobacco from New Zealand there is a proposal to legalise Cannabis which of course is smoked.
But Cannabis isn't produced by Big Tobacco. Big Tobacco: BAD. Everything else: GOOD.
90% of smokers pick up the habit before they're 25? I'm shocked. I would have thought the number would be closer, much closer, to 100%. If you haven't started smoking by the time you're 25, you must have seen many of your contemporaries and older trying and failing to give up. Why would you start?
By the time I was 25 I’d proved several times how easy it was to give up smoking. And how much easier it was to start again
I agree. I would imagine that very few started after 20. Even apart from all the rhetoric [which didn't amount to much in my day apart from my mother – she was a rabid anti-smoker!] most kids start to experiment in their mid teens. That's the time for experimentation in all sorts of forbidden fruits.
What the hell is 'aoteoroa'?
New Zealand.
Yeah, it might as well be called New Zealotstan.
Apart from the Maorification of everyday language in the media, a sort of reverse apartheid taking hold, the socialist Labour have taken control, even without the Greens, normally on their side, and so we're f'ckd.
Let alone the crazed Climate nonsense.
Tobacco prices approx the highest in the world, and the zealots want to make it worse.
One could think to leave, but where could one go to?