A Mickey Mouse Operation
Our Great and Glorious Masters have issued another roadmap.
Yet another roadmap to pile on top of the ever mounting pile of fucking roadmaps that have led us nowhere except down pot-holed roads with grass down the middle or into a dead end. I hope the Ordnance Survey are keeping up with all these maps, not to mention the AA, Michelin, Garmin, TomTom and all the other satnav companies.
It is bloody obvious that they are terrified. They are scared that there may be a resurgence of the Virus despite the numbers consistently dropping. All right, there may be a few hundred being tested positive each day but so fucking what? Are these people even showing any symptoms? The vast majority are under 45 so I doubt they are suffering any more than a dose of the sniffles. The numbers in hospitals are declining and the death rate is somewhere around what I would expect at this time of year.
We have been shut down now for four solid months. The damage to the economy runs into the tens of billions. The damage to the health and welfare of the country is incalculable. Yet they are taking itsy bitsy teeny weeny steps, opening up bits of the economy at a time. It looks like my coffee shop may not be allowed to open until mid-June at the very earliest, assuming they haven’t gone bust in the meantime.
I am just back from the village.
The place is in utter chaos down there. Everywhere you look there are blokes in Hi-Viz jackets and hard hats directing traffic and telling us where we can park and when. Are these Council officials? Are they our glorious Boys in Blue? No. They are fucking Disney people who are now running the place while they build their fucking massive great Princess Palace in the middle of the village. There’s no restrictions on them, I notice. Do they have a special dispensation from the Virus? Is the Virus a Disney fan?
If ever you needed proof that this was a fucking Mickey Mouse country…..
That light at the end of the tunnel is a “No Exit” sign.
Or an oncoming train?
Are you feeling Disenchanted?
Hah! Yes. Very.
It's the hi-viz jackets. Repels the virus. Polis know this. Allows them to go about mob handed. But don't say I told you. I don't want big pharmas' heavies after me.
I shall henceforth wear my jacket. I might even get better parking?
From the UK side of the ditch, Ireland is not a Mickey Mouse country; you're just suffering from a benighted Mickey Mouse Gubmint.
As are:-
……….. (Insert name of ANY country here, and you'll not be far wrong).
You could have got a part as an extra and made a profit from it!