
The story of television – Chapter two — 8 Comments

  1. In 1977 at the age of 16 I was earning £20 a week working in the Co-op dairy that used to exist in this little town. Start at 6-00 am home by 12 noon six days a week.
    Six weeks later I began an apprenticeship at Vickers Shipbuilding & Engineering on the sum of £10 a week.
    Two weeks later a 'birthday rise' saw that climb to £12 a week.
    Too afraid to walk away from 'learning a trade' I stayed in the shipyard for 18 long years.

    I often wonder why I was so bloody daft!

  2. For a young man / boy working with a bunch of women in a factory was the best education you could get. After that you realise that women are not from a different planet and also enjoy sex. But are still to be respected.

    • Similar story for me, although at 17 I started a £7 per week job in the head office of a large organisation predominantly staffed by women – after my male-only education environment of the previous 7 years, my real education started then, to which those lively females contributed willingly and enthusiastically, some only at a theoretical level, some at a more physical standard.  By the time I turned 18 I was a different animal.  Happy development days.

    • The women in the factory were a great bunch.  Eileen in particular had a mind like a sewer and a vocabulary to match.  She had us in stitches most of the time giving running commentaries.  I can still hear her laugh – a real dirty laugh!

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