Spectacular failures
That was quite a week.
We had a trainee canal pilot abysmally failing his driving test when he tried to do a three-point turn in the Suez Canal in the wrong place. As I always say – if you’re going to fail, do it spectacularly. He achieved that in spades.
Our Glorious Gubmint introduced their Mandatory Quarantine this week. People flying in from certain countries get an army escort to a hotel where they are forced to stay for a fortnight at a cost [to them] of nearly two grand. A holiday after a holiday? I tried booking myself in for the laugh and discovered their website caters for one or two adults and zero, one or two kids and that’s your lot. The first family to arrive had three kids which threw the system into inevitable chaos. Who could possibly have predicted that a family might have more than two kids?
In the meantime, three others did a runner from the hotel. The army and the police are now doing a full scale manhunt to try to recapture them. They caught two but the other one is “still at large”. Fair play to ’em I say. Who the fuck wants to stay for a fortnight locked in a room just big enough to hold a bed?
So much for the “heavy security”? The army and a security firm?
Then there was the Scandal of the Week. A hospital had a few spare jabs over in the evening so the Head Honcho in the hospital phoned his pal, the headmaster of a posh and expensive school where his kids attended. Would the teachers like the spare jabs? Of course they would. The word got out and the shit hit the proverbial windmill. I confess I am surprised. That is to say I’m not at all surprised at the carry-on but at the sheer level of resulting venom on the airwaves. Do these idiots seriously not know that the Old Pals Network still thrives in this country?
The clocks went forward an hour last night.
So now I have to spend the rest of the day discovering how to reset my watch.
"So now I have to spend the rest of the day discovering how to reset my watch."
A few months ago I bought myself a G-Shock watch. It connects to my phone by bluetooth and sets the time automagically. Go on, you know you want one.
Now I just need to work out how to get all the clocks and the central heating controller to do the same.
What really freaks me out is the number of people that will work towards this end; that will do the gubmints bidding all for the sake of a coin. If I was in their place I'd decide to find a different line of work, but there will always be someone who would be happy to be in the gubmints front line and enforce all these new "rules". More of which seem to come about every day. And they enforce the closures of all environs whereby this may be openly discussed and public opposition gains force. This is a crying shame. Spoken by a Brit who is feeling exactly the same from my side of the Emerald Sea. Best wishes to all.
I can honestly say I'm so glad I don't live in Ireland right now. In other news, I get my single jab of the J&J vaccine April 9th. No memory RNA for me by god. On second thought a extra bit of memory might do me good?